Recent content by Withstand_The_Fall_Of_Time

  1. W

    Nightmares Made Flesh

    Wow I never knew opinions could be so wrong! :OMG: Soldout???? Since when have they been after millions of cd sales? Cause you know with this snappy 'style' change they will be on the top 40 and be 'cool' and 'hip' with all the kiddies. This 'crappier singer' you speak of, I'm not familiar...
  2. W

    Dan och andra svenska Rush-fans, läs:

    GRRRR!!! Ass masters! Rush world tour and of course they go to Montreal and Toronto... But leave out Vancouver!!! I hate this town... Well for the music scene anyways. I've heard they might be recording their new cd here (which I have the hook ups to meet them if they do :)), but they won't...
  3. W

    Chicago Christian Band In Need Of Lead Singer

    Hahaha, I love this thread! First it was about some crappy christian band..., what was there name again... oh well, then a wholesome bible story of satan and god/religion, evolution, and now badgers! It have everything but a flying elephant bus with a monkey driver on route to chicago to meet...
  4. W

    Chicago Christian Band In Need Of Lead Singer

    Oh no a christian being annoying that never happens.... :err: He said he doesn't believe any in any religion which means he isn't a satanist... So next time you talk, take the dick out of your mouth and the cross out of your ass before you assume things... I'll stop before I go on some...
  5. W

    Mike from Opeth wants to Tour with Swano/EOS

    Well don't count on a Swano/Opeth tour anytime soon I just talked to Mike 2 hours ago, where GENE HOGLUND!!! filled in on drums for 2 songs, got a $5 rebate, and got to meet the whole band including Martin Lopez, who will be returning on drums tomorrow. Mike said "It looks BLEAK (ba doom...
  6. W

    Orchestral metal

    When I think orchestral metal, right away I think of Dark Lunacy's Devoid. Really interesting stuff IMHO!
  7. W

    Bass string gauge?

    What do you recomend? I've heard good things about the Ibanez's but other than that I don't know. Haha I don't even know what model of Ibanez.
  8. W

    Bass string gauge?

    I have a 4 string bass and I was wondering which gauge would be best for B tuning but also have the ability to tune back up to D tuning (which is basically my standard). So I don't have to buy a 5 string... I don't have that much money!! :grin: I don't know if I should just get a 5 sting set...
  9. W

    What's everybody's favorte old school black and death metal bands?

    Death: Carcass, EOS, Death, At The Gates Black: Immortal, Emperor, Mayhem, Taake (New With A Very Fresh Old School Sound) Old Ulver AND Black Death: :P Dissection Speaking of Burzum have any of you heard about Varg "breaking out of jail," if not check out
  10. W

    Dan's BASS Guitars!!

    EXACTLY!!!!! :) I must know Dan's Super Secret so that I can write some of the best music ever!!...... Well maybe not (I guess I'm getting ahead of myself :loco: ).... But I still would like to know what bass related equipment he owns/uses.
  11. W

    Dan's BASS Guitars!!

    Not a very original topic... but oh well... As a bass player myself I am very interested to hear what basses Dan owns/uses. He must have used them during Moontower, the 1st Nightingale, and any other side project. Thanks :)
  12. W

    What's the...

    Well... It sounds like a pencil being sharpened and then writing and paper IMO... only the sound is amplified... haha I'm an idiot :tickled:
  13. W

    Best Bass player ever.

    Jesus Christ every bassist has been named 6 times! Hasn't anybody heard of Stu Hamm? You havn't heard bass until you go on whatever music dowloading program and get a live bass solo from him, amazing stuff!
  14. W

    Jeff Walker's Bass?

    Hello does anyone know the type/model of his bass. I think it was an Aria Pro II but i don't know what model. Thanks.
  15. W

    some killer canadian metal

    Try Zimmer's Hole. They have obscure and funny songs. Parts of Strapping Young Lad are in this band.