Recent content by Wraithchild

  1. Wraithchild

    Indiana Jones DVD set

    That's odd. I haven't watched it yet, but these people, on different review/movie message boards say they have and it has been edited. I don't know what their motives would be for lying about this, but I am glad nothing has been altered. However, after the ET alteration (substituting radios...
  2. Wraithchild

    Indiana Jones DVD set

    I haven't had time to open my Raiders set yet, but many reviewers are complaining that The Temple of Doom has been edited from a PG-13 movie to a PG movie thus scenes like the heart being removed during the sacrifice has been toned down or completely deleted. Ugh, I really hate when they do...
  3. Wraithchild

    Stryper is back after 10 years!

    Say what you will about Stryper, but other than Ratt and Dokken, they are one of the few pop-metal bands that I really enjoyed. From reading the concert reviews, they are as musically sound and tight as ever. Remaining 2003 Tour Dates Oct 28 Los Angeles, CA Oct...
  4. Wraithchild

    My thoughts on Motley Crue

    Motley Crue's mediocre musicianship, immature antics, and lifestyles of excess have never impressed me. The badboys of rock & roll? No. Things like drug overdoses, vehicular homicide, and spousal abuse makes me view them as "the idiots of rock & roll". Their only album that I remotely liked...
  5. Wraithchild

    Rush in Rio DVD

    Smylex, how was King Diamond in concert? I have never seen him live before. I picked up The Puppet Master today, and I can't stop listening to it. This CD sounds just like it came from the classic Abigail/Them era. Great stuff! Note to self: Pick up Rush in Rio!
  6. Wraithchild

    Hello everybody 8-)

    Hi, nopporn, I'm a newbie myself here, but, welcome aboard! :wave:
  7. Wraithchild

    Indiana Jones DVD set

    It's great to hear that they did a good job remastering it! Today's new releases totally consumed my spending money for this month: Indiana Jones Box Set Battlestar Galatica Series Box Set Dark Angel Season 2 Box Set 28 Days Later Battlestar Galatica: The Movie King Diamond: The Puppet...
  8. Wraithchild

    [SPOILER] -- Official Setlist from the first gig on Maiden's DOD Tour!!

    If Maiden sticks to their guns about no longer doing any arena shows (but instead limiting themselves to short tours at large festival-type events), I don't think many of us will have to worry about this Dance of Death setlist especially in the US. Even before I heard any Dance of Death...
  9. Wraithchild

    For KING DIAMOND fans!

    I am still unsure if the Bonus DVD that contains "an interview with King Diamond" (as listed by Best Buy & CDuniverse) is the same DVD The Metal Merchant is offering with the special edition; hopefully it is. Here is a review and more DVD info to get you ready for The Puppet Master's release...
  10. Wraithchild

    For KING DIAMOND fans!

    EDITED 10/21/03: I picked up King Diamond's new CD today, and the US versions do come with the bonus DVD in which he tells the story of the Puppet Master. :kickass: Here is more info on King's new release: It is with great pleasure I announce that The King is back! ...again... After two...
  11. Wraithchild

    Newest family member

    Congrats, HobbesDawg! That was really cool of you to rescue him; he looks like a very nice dog. My wife and I are also very much attached to our Maltese, Kato, and treat him like just part of our family. Dogs really are man's best friend.
  12. Wraithchild

    Wrong Turn!

    I am sure that "Enter the Dragon" contains Bruce Lee's real voice because it was a 100% American film done by Warner Brothers, as well as Lee's last fully completed film before he passed away. As for his three previous films, I don't know if the orignals actually contained his voice (the war...
  13. Wraithchild

    Happy Birthday Sara!!!

    Happy Birthday, Sara! I was going to get you this Killer guitar for a present, but you already have one. :D
  14. Wraithchild

    Some of You people are seriously fucking warped in the head

    All good points, Smylex! Although, a person preferring to listen to Eminem or The Backstreet Boys over Johann Sebastian Bach is like a person preferring to drive a Yugo over a Lamborghini. :D
  15. Wraithchild

    Anyone here see "Kill Bill: Vol 1" yet?

    I have no doubt that Mr. Lucas is senile and has lost touch with his fanbase. I cringe everytime I have to watch the added A New Hope: Special Edition footage of Han and Jabba the Hut in the spaceport in Mos Eisley (Jabba was not proportioned correctly, the slapstick tail-stepping gag didn't...