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  1. Maili Björklund

    Breaking The Waves by Brimstone (hey there guitarists!)

    I've had this song somewhere on my computer for ages and I never really listened to it... So ten minutes ago, Winamp decided to to play it and I knew this HAD to be the new cover version for my band. I only experienced one problem there: It is impossible to find a tab for that song anywhere on...
  2. Maili Björklund

    I'm going to learn Finnish!!!

    I'm an official English and Finnougristics student of Munich university now :grin:
  3. Maili Björklund

    The "good old times" resurrection thread

    So I decided to come back to the board for some chat about badgers, rabbits, sasquatches, necrophilia, bread, ... and some hugs and what did I find?! OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED THE SINERGY BOARD! YOU BASTARDS!!!! So this thread is for all the people who remember the cool times when these topics...
  4. Maili Björklund

    The ultimate band game

    This is another thread for all those who don't have anything else to do... This game has shortened a lot of my boring school lessons lately and I thought I should share it with you :grin: Rules are simple: I post a band, you post a band that begins with the letter my band ended with. example...
  5. Maili Björklund

    A guitar, ok, but... they really have to name a disease after Alexi??? Honestly, I'm just doing my English homework and looking something up in the Advanced Learner's, and what do I find? Finally I've found what kinda disease I've got... :grin:
  6. Maili Björklund

    Most COB shows?

    I just wondered who in here has seen the most COB shows? I've been to five, but four of them this year... (Wacken, Berlin, Nürnberg, Ludwigsburg, Summer Breeze) And don't cheet, the winner will have to post pix of the tickets :grin:
  7. Maili Björklund

    Your dreams

    Dunno if there has ever been a thread like this before, but Zarok just gave me the idea (by telling me weird things about bath tubs...): So what was the coolest dream you've had? Or the weirdest? Or the funniest? And what did you dream last night? In the definately coolest dream I've had...
  8. Maili Björklund

    Bodominjärvi - the computer game!

    Imagine the following: tutorial level: You are the Reaper, your weapon is that strange intrument from the "Children of Bodom" single. You are in a desert where everything is red and you have to kill the people who are lost in the desert. first level: You are in a green forest where four...
  9. Maili Björklund

    a little request to all the nice and helpful finnish-speaking Finland in here

    Could anybody translater this or at keast give me a clue what this is supposed to be about? These are the lyrics to a song called 'Aleksi' by Klamydiay and my dictionary tells me that it's about a guy called Aleksi who is having a nightmare and he's sleighing or riding a bike or something and...
  10. Maili Björklund

    SOS, I'm despairing!!! (Salzburg)

    anybody going to Salzburg on Friday who would have a place in his/her car from Munich to Salzburg and back (not trying to imply that Salzburg is Hell) or who would like to share a Bayernticket and a pretty long and lonely night in Salzburg with me or who lives/stayes in Salzburg and would let me...
  11. Maili Björklund

    I'm confused...

    Alright so we all know now that if there are no lyrics to a song printed in the booklet, they are improvised. But then I wonder: What about the lyrics fragments for Hatebreeder, Deadnight Warrior and Lake Bodom printed in the booklet of the Tokyo Warhearts re-release? Can you imagine Allu...
  12. Maili Björklund

    HCDR lyrics?

    Sorry if this has been asked before (haven't been checking to often lately), but does anyone have the lyrics to any song on HCDR except for the 4 official ones? If not, maybe we can work them out together, so just post anything you can figure out...
  13. Maili Björklund

    To those who own the Deluxe Edition of Something Wild

    I heard that it features the full lyrics to all songs on the album! If that is true, could you either post them here or send them to ? Wanna know if the lyrics I've got are rubbish or complete rubbish...
  14. Maili Björklund

    To all the guitarists in here...

    Can anyone recommand me a good (and not too expensive) amplifier? Mine just got fucked, didn't survive Hatebreeder... :(
  15. Maili Björklund

    To all the Germans in here...

    does anyone know where I can buy Salmiakki in germany? I WANT SALMIAKKIi !!!
  16. Maili Björklund

    Did COB play 'Warheart' in Wacken ????

    I was sure they didn't, but now I read in two different magazines that they did, and I'm really really confused now! Should I have my memory checked? :confused:
  17. Maili Björklund

    Kalmah on tour with COB !

    As the albums of both bands are supposed to be released early next year, wouldn't that be the fuckin tour of the millennium??? :rock:
  18. Maili Björklund

    Mitfahrgelegenheit nach Wacken ???

    Hallo ihr alle! Bin grade voll in Panik, weil ich gestern abend erfahren hab, dass meine beste Freundin dank Blödheit der Post und des Busunternehmens wahrscheinlich net mit nach Wacken fahren kann und brauche unbedingt eure Hilfe!!! Wer startet nach Mittwoch abend von München oder Bayern aus...
  19. Maili Björklund


    Does anyone know where I can get Skyfire's lyrics???:confused: