Search results

  1. TravisW

    Help with band bio--genre?

    Hey, I need some help here. As pretty much all of you are aware, there are a bazillion different subgenres in metal these days. I'm trying to find the right sort of category for my band's stuff, and am having a hell of a time figuring out what we are. Granted, I could do the generic "Metal"...
  2. TravisW

    RCA 12ax7

    I don't know what the hell magic RCA put into their tubes, but I just stuck an old RCA 12ax7 into the V1 position on my 5150 (replacing a Sovtek). It's a big improvement. Clearer low mids, more articulate treble, and a more usable volume knob. Wish I had a recording rig set up, I'd do...
  3. TravisW

    5150 plus TS10

    I love the sound of my 5150 with the TS10 into the front end. What I can't stand, however, is the fargin' feedback that I'm getting. My settings are as follows: TS10 Drive: all the way off Tone: 10 o'clock Level: 11 o'clock 5150 Lead Channel Gain: 3.5 Bass: 6 Mid: 3.5 Treble: 6.5...
  4. TravisW

    FS-Peavey Rock Master

    Peavey Rock Master Preamp for sale. All effects loops work (there is one effects loop for each channel, and one global loop). Slight rack rash, but it's good condition and works great. Comes with original footswitch. $200 plus shipping.
  5. TravisW

    Troubleshooting pet peeve

    My 5150 has been giving me intermittent trouble for the past couple of months. The volume drops a ton and the tone thins way out, which says "preamp tube" to me. Normally, I could do a "Fonzie" by whacking it on the top with my fist, but last practice I couldn't get anything out of it aside...
  6. TravisW

    Lordy lordy, look who's 40

    Happy birthday, Andy. :kickass:
  7. TravisW

    How not to record anything, ever (long)

    This is all about turd-polishing. I should have known from the outset that this was going to be a rough road, but maaannn.... So, I decided that my band needed to record a 3-song demo a few months before we start playing live. That way, we'd have something for people to listen to so they...
  8. TravisW

    New unfinished mixes

    I'm running without a good reference on these tunes, so I've been checking them against earbuds, car stereo, etc... I need to know if I'm heading the right direction with this. BTW--these are just demo mixes; demos just for handing out at gigs, MySpace, and local radio...just so people will...
  9. TravisW

    My old band

    Okay, here's some stuff that my previous band recorded back in 07. We were sort of shooting for a "representation of live" feel to the whole thing. There are some warts in the performances to be sure, but it is as it was. Lemme know what you think.
  10. TravisW

    speeding up .wav

    Hey guys, Would anybody be willing to speed up a .wav file about 20bpm for me, or point me toward a relatively cheap product for doing so? Thanks.
  11. TravisW

    Impaled Northern Moonforest

    I think this is the most tr00 band I've ever heard... BTW---don't click if you can't poke a little fun at traditional black metal.
  12. TravisW

    'tis the season

    Everybody have a merry Christmas, Jul, Midvinterblot, Kwaanza, Hanukah, Festivus, Saturnalia, Voodoo Day, or whatever you folks celebrate. I'll leave you with a parting shot of pure deliciousness; a delight to all the senses, and a party in your mouth.
  13. TravisW

    Why I really respect Borknagar

    Okay, in a sense I can kind of relate to the Borknagar guys. We are all about the same age, from similar cultural backgrounds, and similar musical interests. That said, they have the balls to do exactly what they want to do. There are two types of musicians; those who work their asses off...
  14. TravisW


    What amp(s) did you use in the recording on the new album? I'm listening to the mp3 of Future Reminiscence, and that's a really nice tone you have going there. A full overview of the recording rig would be nice. :D
  15. TravisW

    one key to success in music...

    STAY OUT OF JAIL!!!! GORGOROTH singer Gaahl is scheduled to go on trial in Norway next week on charges that he "ritually abused" a man more than two years ago. The alleged abuse of a man in his 40s took place at a desolate farm in Fjaler in Sunnfjord in February of 2002 and ended ritually...
  16. TravisW

    A hand for Mark Bridgeman

    Okay, kids. I've known Mark since back on the Iron Maiden BB, long before UltimateMetal first started. I have to say, he and his staff have done a hell of a job, and deserve accolades for their work. It has been amazing to watch this site grow from being what it was (willing and earnest to...
  17. TravisW

    Average age of a Borknagar fan?

    How old are you? 27 here.
  18. TravisW

    Tyr and Oystein!!!

    Okay, I'm listening again to Empyricism. Anyway, there are two questions that I have for each of you to answer: 1. What guitars/basses did you use in the recording of Empyricism? 2. What sort of amps/cabinets did you use? (or in the case of Tyr, did you strictly go direct?)
  19. TravisW

    I feel rather melancholy

  20. TravisW


    Hola----just checking out the Maidens' BB. I figured it may well make considerably more sense than the actual Maiden BB (where I am otherwise known as Jack Burton)