Search results

  1. Executioner213

    Anyone want to try to cut some vocals? (DM style) Looking for someone to spit some vocals on this. This band is from Montana. I tracked this 2 years ago, and it's just been sitting on the shelf waiting for vocals. I'd like to get this off my plate, and I'm sure the band would...
  2. Executioner213

    Request: Anyone got drum tracks I can edit for practice?

    Been a while since I've been on the forum... I just got Cubase 6.5 kickin, so now I want to practice doing some quantizing on multi-tracked drums to get the hang of using it before I start offering it as a service. Before anyone says "use the search function", I want to work on some drum tracks...
  3. Executioner213

    My 5150 Re-tubing Adventure.

    So, I got my new tubes over the weekend. Finally got to do my "Tasty Choice" shootout to pick what I was going to have in them. To start with, my 5150 had JJ's in the Power and Preamp section of the amp. I didn't actually look to see what was going on in the first place, and just assumed I'd...
  4. Executioner213

    Help me put this guitar together (need ideas)

    I have an early 80's Kramer strat-style guitar. I don't really know if it's a Striker or Baretta or whatever. It was pink/purple pearlescent until about 2 years ago when my Dad had his body shop friend repaint it to a solid white. He wanted me to help him figure out what to revamp it with...but...
  5. Executioner213

    (Peavey JSX) "Clean/Bypass": please explain.

    I guess a suitable answer to this could come from a TripleX user as well, since the switching is all the same apparently. I am trying to help figure out building a cable for channel switching a JSX with a GCX. While looking at all this, the original pedal has the following: Ultra -...
  6. Executioner213

    Carvin Legacy 4x12: one speaker isn't working (help!?)

    After almost a year of little-to-zero use, I have started using my full stack again. Now that I fired it up, I realized that my angled (top) 4x12 is only producing sound from the bottom 2 speakers and the top right one. Top left is dead. I opened it up to see if there was a cable that came...
  7. Executioner213

    Bass Tone for something I'm working on (Help me)

    Mix: Bass only: Any advice? I seem to be having an issue with mixing bass, especially in this project. It is already a...
  8. Executioner213

    I traded my Triaxis/2:90 for a 5150 and $200.

    Title says it all. I had a guy offer me his 5150 for my Triaxis/2:90. I told him I couldn't go straight across. We eventually got to where he could throw me $200 on top of it. It wasn't worth it if I go into it, costwise...but between having to replace the tubes in my rig and the fact that I...
  9. Executioner213

    FS: ESP/LTD EC-1000 (US)

    I've had this for about 5 years, got it from a friend of mine who has since passed away. I need the money right now, I have too many damn guitars, and this one doesn't see much action anymore. It's from about 2003 or 2004, I believe. Pros: -EMG-81/60 Pickups -TonePros Bridge -Schaller...
  10. Executioner213

    FT: EMG707 for EMG81-7

    I just put EMG 707's in my RG7321 and decided the 707 in the bridge is waaay too bassy for my personal taste. I figured I'd throw it here to see if someone wanted to trade up. Maybe someone here got 2 81-7's and decided they wanted a different neck sound. So...yeah. I'll just send the pickup...
  11. Executioner213

    Academic Discount

    What actually does, lets say Sweetwater, really require for a credential on this? It says you will be contacted by a "Sales Engineer" about providing proof of eligibility for the discount. I'm just wondering what they require.
  12. Executioner213

    Furman AC Line Regulator Issue

    I have a Furman AC Line Regulater (Model AR-117) that I've had for about 5 years now. I got it off a buddy of mine when he was hard on his luck and I bought a bunch of shit off of him. I don't know how long he had it before I got it from him. It has progressively been just flipping on and off...
  13. Executioner213

    SM57/interface impedance question.

    We (the_Drip and myself) are doing some reamping....we read somewhere that the recommended impedance of the SM57 is between 1.5k-2k ohms. We were looking into what the impedance of the M-Audio Profire 2626 (3.7k) and the Presonus FP10 (1.6k), which is what we have on hand...we also looked up...
  14. Executioner213

    Check this band out: Resolution 15

    While I was on tour this summer with Hemlock we played in Amityville, NY with these guys. Nothin special, figured I'd give em a nod since I kinda dug them. The only thing I don't like about em is I think their singer is kinda a weak fit. Drummer was pretty impressive live. I'd never seen a band...
  15. Executioner213

    Crummy DM mix Hope it isn't too disappointing. This is the byproduct of a guitar player who wanted to rush the process. I went back and forth for a few days as to whether or not I even wanted to dive into this pit of despair and said...
  16. Executioner213

    I played on a Thin Lizzy tribute... Both guitars run through my Triaxis/2:90/Peavey Ultra 4x12 (scheffields). We both used our matching LTD Eclipses with EMG's. Please don't whine to me about the mix, I had nothing to do with...
  17. Executioner213

    RE: Peavey Ultra schematic

    I don't have em anymore. I got them directly from Peavey, all I had to do was ask for them and they emailed em. Please don't join this forum to ask me for them. Put in some of your own logical effort. </rant>
  18. Executioner213

    Anyone going to Rockstar Mayhem this Saturday in Hartford, CT?

    Get there early and come say hi to me. We are playing first. :flame:
  19. Executioner213

    The entire music industry suddenly hinges on the success of Eminem :zombie:??? Reeaally!?
  20. Executioner213

    I got called to audition for a touring band...

    ...whom I won't say, at least not yet. Saturday, I got the phone call from the band leader. We've played with these guys a handful of times, so he and I have a good rapport. He was asking me about how ticket sales and promo was going for a show we have coming up with them...then he says "so, I...