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  1. keeperxiii

    The Edge of Forever club on DeviantArt

    Heya fellas, I just came in to invite anyone who is a member of DeviantArt to join in and contribute to this group. It's still new so I'm counting on everyone to help fill it up!
  2. keeperxiii

    Games & Metal

    Yeah, yeah I know a similiar topic was already created a while ago but I wanted to create a thread were you could post your playlists that you use when you`re playing games, if you like to listen to some tunes while playing. It may or may not include Symp X, you choose, anyway, here are some...
  3. keeperxiii

    Lady of the Snow- Just a quick question

    Hi people, just a quick question. At the beginning of Lady of the Snow, what is the instrument that is played? Yes, I know it`s a flute (possibly asian) of some kind but I don`t know exactly what flute it is. Can you help me? I really like the sounds these things make. I`m also...
  4. keeperxiii

    Symphony X with an orchestra? Your thoughts...

    Hi. I was wondering, so many bands have done this before so... What do you think if Symphony X did a live show with a orchestra? A bit like Dream Theater - Score or Metallica S & M for an example. Don`t you think it`s about time they tried this?(After their next album, of course)...