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  1. thefalloftheheretic

    Subversion ft. Chris Clancy, Feedback Please!

    So I just finished mixing this track, and the wonderful Chris Clancy did some vocals for me. I think it's sounding pretty good, but could I get some feedback? If y'all want, I can post stems. Thanks!
  2. thefalloftheheretic

    New gear! (ENGL and Valveking content)

    Hi guys! So I recently came into possession of a Peavey Valveking head and a B52 cabinet. I also have in my possession an ENGL E530, as I may have mentioned before. I ran my ENGL into the poweramp of the Valveking, and holy guacamole, this thing is awesome.
  3. thefalloftheheretic

    How's my bass tone?

    Hey guys, Doing a test with my new bass. I know, it's stock standard, but I just wanted to see the tone. Any of your thoughts would be appreciated. Chad
  4. thefalloftheheretic

    Stupid and silly punk song

    So it's blisteringly hot here today and my friend doesn't have AC. I decided to be silly and crank out a funny punkish song in about 45 minutes. Also decided to post it here to see what UM thought about the song itself and the production...
  5. thefalloftheheretic

    Reamping issue

    Hey guys, I've got a quick question. I've got a preamp that I want to run through the power amp section of my buddy's Peavey Valveking head. I have literally no experience in doing this. How would one go about doing so? Thanks, CSN
  6. thefalloftheheretic

    Is ReCabinet Worth It?

    Alright, so here's the dealio. My rig is a Jackson DKMG with an active EMG into an ENGL E530 into a Tascam US-1800. I'm using impulses at the moment, obviously; however, I've heard that ReCabinet is better than LeCab or KeFir. Does anyone have good experiences with it? Chad N.
  7. thefalloftheheretic

    FS: ENGL E530 Reamps

    Title says it all. You got some tracks you want run through this motherfucker? You got it. $20. I can either send you the reamped tracks before impulses or after, depending on whether you want me to pick your impulse for you or you want to do it yourself. I hope someone wants to take...
  8. thefalloftheheretic

    My newest song/mix; I could use feedback

    There's something that just doesn't sit well with me about this mix. Could I get some help? Gear: PRS SE Custom, Tascam US-1800, The Metal Foundry and samples
  9. thefalloftheheretic

    Remixing a Widek song...

    So, I did a mix of the Widek song "Ghost Resurrection" when I first made it onto these forums. You can listen to it here. But, after having listened to it again after the time I've been here, I came to notice it...
  10. thefalloftheheretic

    Some tom samples...

    Hey guys. I took these 3 single shot samples when I was a rookie engineer (thus, the single shots). They turned out pretty well for being single shot samples though, perhaps someone can make use of them! Recorded with an ES57 through my Tascam US-1800. Compression and a little EQ...
  11. thefalloftheheretic

    Lamb of God-Omerta (SD2.0, PRS SE)

    Recently covered Omerta by Lamb of God, was hoping you guys could give me some feedback. Maybe I'll upload the stems too, who knows? Guitars were all done with my PRS SE Custom. Bass is a pitch shifted guitar (I have yet to buy a bass, unfortunately). Drums are Superior 2.0 with a lot of...
  12. thefalloftheheretic

    Snare drum question (sidestick)

    Hey sneapsters. So, this band I'm recording a single for has a part in their song where the drummer uses sidestick on his snare. I have no idea how to mix this, and believe you me, I've tried. Any tips for me?
  13. thefalloftheheretic

    Mix Tips?

    Hey guys. I'd like some tips on this mix I'm doing. It's Ola's second stem pack. I normally buss the guitars to one stereo buss, with the amp sim and everything on there. This time, however, I used different sims and different impulses on each track. Thoughts...
  14. thefalloftheheretic

    Clean vocalist and mix help.

    Hey guys. I'm looking for a clean vocalist to help me out on a project of mine. This is just a fun thing, and I can't afford to pay anyone, so I'm looking for someone who truly enjoys singing and just wants to help out. While I'm at it, I'd like some feedback on this mix. It's a rough one...
  15. thefalloftheheretic

    Thoughts on this mix?

    This is part of a nine song concept album I'm doing, and I'd like some feedback on the mixing. Chain is: PRS SE Custom with an EMG OC1 in the bridge > Tascam US-1800 > TSE808 > LeGion > LeCab with 3 different impulses. Bass has not been added yet. Drums are SD 2.0 and Drumagog. Any...
  16. thefalloftheheretic

    Albums like Deconstruction?

    Since we're all metallers here, I figured I'd ask you guys. I really fucking dig DTP-Deconstruction. It's so over the top and awesome. Anyone got any albums like it?
  17. thefalloftheheretic

    Mixing drums like a bau5

    ...but seriously, I'd like some feedback on this. The room I recorded in was not the best. Drummer was fairly/very consistent in his hits; however, I had to do a lot of tom editing due to the bleed from the cymbal and sympathetic vibrations. Lots of sampling too. This is just the drum...
  18. thefalloftheheretic

    Killing microphone bleed?

    Hey everyone. I'm about to record a local band (again) and I need your advice. Last time we recorded, the tom mics had so much bleed, they were almost unusable. Furthermore, there was a lot of sympathetic vibrations from the other drums on the toms. How would one go about A, killing the...
  19. thefalloftheheretic

    KsE-Holy Diver Stems?

    I know they're hanging around, but I can't find them. Does anyone have them? Not sure who originally recorded the stems either.
  20. thefalloftheheretic

    Logistics of this tone?

    I can't seem to find quite how to get this tone. It is detuned of course, but my amp sims are not quite cutting through. Any ideas on how to get this tone?