Search results

  1. abt

    I need a vocalist

    I'm looking for a session singer for a couple of tracks. No clean singing required on these. If you're interested or know any session guys please let me know.
  2. abt

    Looking for album/band art - recommendations

    Yes, this thread again. People come and go, so it's good get an update. Please recommend me someone (or yourself) for album and band art.
  3. abt

    Replacing all toms with clean hits

    Who's completely replacing all Tom hits with clean samples? I don't mean samples from a different source or sample library, I mean clean sample hits from the same session. I know that most will do manual strip silence between hits then replace the last hit if it needs it but I'm talking...
  4. abt

    My reverb skills suck.

    I pretty much suck at reverb in general, but especially drum reverb and even more so snare reverb. When ever I put verb on a snare it always sounds unnatural. Often the tail sounds digital and I can't stand it. I usually end up low passing which ends up going lower and lower. After this is tends...
  5. abt

    Sine wave for low bass?

    Something I've heard about many times but never really tired (okay I tried once with trillian) is using a programed sine-wave for the low end of the bass guitar tone. Anyone doing this? Anyone care to share some examples?
  6. abt

    Zynaptiq Unfilter - Very interesting

    I'm not sure if anyone here has tried it, I'd been interested in your thoughts. It's a really interesting and unique plugin. I'm not sure if I love it or hate it (there's no middle ground), I think I'm leaning towards love. It's a little confusing as to...
  7. abt

    What happened?

    I just logged on. 2 users and 60 guests on here. What happened?
  8. abt

    Are Kemper profiles overpriced?

    Firstly, this thread is not directed at anybody in particular, it's just a discussion. Also, you can't point the finger at me for cheaping out on profiles, I've spent a lot of money on profiles, some of them good, some not so good. I've bought many profile packs from Sneapsters purely out of...
  9. abt

    School me in High end DI/Instrument input

    I recently used a Phoenix Audio DRS-8 for guitar DI and it sounded great. It was rich and smooth, it sounded darker but in a good way. All the pick attack scratchiness seemed smoother and better but there was still plenty of high end content. Is this the secret ingredient I've been missing...
  10. abt

    Kemper users - what's your studio routing?

    I'm about to go into someone else's studio and I'm taking my Kemper with me. I've only really used the spdif in/out. I'm going to assume that's not going to be an option. Here's what I'm thinking will work best: Kemper Input Settings Input: - "Input Source" - "Front Input" Ouptput: -...
  11. abt

    Pro Tools - How do you merge sessions

    I'm trying to merge multiple PT sessions into one session but I can't do it. I'm sure I've done it in the past using the import session data feature with offset. I can get close but the tempo mapping and markers just goes crazy.
  12. abt

    Thinner strings give me the pings

    I've dropped down a few gauges in string size and (7 string 10 - 59) and now my low e string pings when palm muting. It seems to be my playing. I didn't have the problem before on heavier strings, and I've tested it on a few guitars which now, with the same guage strings have the same problem...
  13. abt

    Stupid question - What's your palm mute sound like? (clip inside)

    I've been an EMG fan for ever but I've been playing around with passives lately. I noticed that my palm muting has had to change quiet a bit. So here's a clip of palm mutes. Which one do you lean towards? I'm not going to say which one I like the best, I want you...
  14. abt

    Drumagog 5 Full wave alignment

    Is anyone using Drumagog 5? Is the full wave alignment worth it? See what full wave alignment is here: I've downloaded and tested it. I think it makes samples sound way better but I'm not sure if I'm just convincing myself that it does. It definitely makes a...
  15. abt

    Cleans - how many tracks do you do?

    I've always been a double track guy when it comes to cleans. I'm talking about picking, or general clean rhythm. Lately I've been listening and wondering how often it's just one guitar instead of two or more.
  16. abt

    Let me hear your tracks that use Trilian bass

    I haven't used Trilian bass for a long time. I just wasn't getting the results I was hoping for. I'm thinking of having another crack at it. I'm hoping you guys might post some tracks you've made or list any other releases you know of that use Trilian to convince me that I'm not wasting my time...
  17. abt

    Where can you buy Japanese Ibanez

    Does anyone know where you can buy Japanese Ibanezezeses (apart form Japan)?
  18. abt

    Thinner picks are better?

    Quiet a while ago someone from a pretty big band was telling me how he had played a show in a cover band. For the show he used a thinner standard shape Dunlop pick and was really surprised at the sound and power it produced. He then went on to tell me that another player in another pretty big...
  19. abt

    Presonus HP4 headphone distribution

    Has anyone used one of these? Do they color the sound? I need it for a mixing application. If it was just for tracking I'm probably not worry so much.
  20. abt

    I need a fast tuner

    I've got a Korg DTR-2000 rack tuner. It's too slow to register if you're trying to tune to the attack, I need something faster. I love rack tuners but I'm not sure I could cope with a stroborack. I think that incessant scrolling would drive me crazy. The new korg Pitchbalck pro rack tuner...