Search results

  1. Badbird

    Left wing metal bands

    It doesn't matter if it's grindcore or thrash metal, just give me some great bands for my request.
  2. Badbird

    Zeitgeist movement

    What are your feelings regarding this movement and it's movies? And this is not for Dakryn since he sure loves this series I'm sure.It's hated from the right wing to the left wing but love by both groups at the same time. The movies do too much of conspiracy junk like 9/11 to consider to be fan...
  3. Badbird

    2011 Canadian Election

    With a 4 election in 7 years coming up, it looks like the cons are having the minority government again. What needs to happen is the left to try harder and not just attack Harper, as much of a shit Prime Minster he is. So now, who are you voting for in this election Canadians?
  4. Badbird

    Happy birthday to Charles Darwin and Honest Abe

    Before Dakryn puts his bullshit in here, happy birthday to two great men that have done tons of great things to this world. :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
  5. Badbird


    Hobbes said that the king should rather be treated like shit then have a revolution, which he thought revolutions would lead to anarchy. He was wrong however(with some exceptions such as the Spanish revolution which failed). A revolution has to have something special to have a revolution. It has...
  6. Badbird

    Ministry thread

    Man, they have been kicking my ass. I love the passion Al Jourgensen has in his music. I even like there 80's music. Just a great band. Any other fans on here? The only other one I could think of is vihris-gari.
  7. Badbird

    2011 Celebrity death pool

    :cry::cry::cry: Yeah, this is a morbid thread. And it's really a thread, not holly hell. But let's just discuss who will kick the bucket in 2011. I think Ali and George HW Bush will be ones to watch out for.
  8. Badbird

    Election day thread

    So talk about your state race and the upcoming congress race. Who are you voting for and against on both politicians and polls.
  9. Badbird

    Happy birthday MasterOLightning !

    Grab a drink and ride the lightning.:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
  10. Badbird

    The ask Nick questions thread

    Ask Nick(cookiecutter) a question and once he anwser the new person will ask him another question. Nick, can you kick Krigloch ass?
  11. Badbird

    NCAA 2010

    Disscus all things about the sport here since most don't want it in the NFL thread.
  12. Badbird

    What makes people not believe in evolution?

    From my understanding, people who are huge religon fanatics don't believe in this fact. Is this why that most people who think evolution a belif thinks this way?
  13. Badbird

    US political scandels!

    What political scandel in the history of the United States do you think was the worst. I know some of you will say Watergate or Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky scandal but in my views, Iron Contra is the worst. Why this scandel doesn't get more talked about confuses me.
  14. Badbird

    Bias in the media

    I had a thread about news stations bias but this one includes all of the media. Talk shows, music, movies, sports, video games, books, anything really. The media if you look at it is more liberal than conservative. Besides Fox News and talk show radio, you don't see much of a bias for...
  15. Badbird

    New Conspiracy Theories Thread

    The old thread I bump was lock, so I will make a new thread. I been getting into these latley and like to ask some questions. Does the government want to proteced everyone in 2012? Area 51? 9/11 is an inside job from the government? David Stern and the 1985 NBA Draft rigged...
  16. Badbird

    Happy birthday Mort Divine

    Hope it's great day for you:rock::rock::Smokin::Smokin::Shedevil::kickass::kickass::danceboy:
  17. Badbird

    Bands/artists/rappers/singers you like from genres you don't This thread is like this but just on here. Metal sub genre or non-metal, what bands/artists/rappers/singers do you like that are from a genre you dislike? Indie rock: Neutral Milk Hotel, Pixies, and Arcade Fire...
  18. Badbird

    Happy birthday Dakryn!

    Hope it's a kickass birthday bro. Without you, we wouldn't know all of your crazy opinions you have. :rock::rock::rock::rock::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::Smokin::danceboy:
  19. Badbird

    Politics and metal!

    I saw this very good topic on Metal Archives about metal and politics and where it learns. I am confused about Dave Mustaine since his lyrics sound more like Liberal than Conservative. Black metal bands sound more like Conservative with...
  20. Badbird

    Happy birthday False Joe

    Got nothing else to say.:kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass: