Search results

  1. xTomx

    Hughes & Kettner Trilogy Head for sale (UK)

    Fucking love this amp but I'm poor and don't use it much. Sadly discontinued and hard to get nowadays. Works perfectly, just the usual scratches on the tolex etc from a couple tours a few years ago. Super versatile amp, designed to basically be an AC30, JCM 800 and Soldano/5150 in one...
  2. xTomx

    (UK, Selling) Peavey 6505+ Head.

    Looking to either sell, trade for an EVH 5150 50W or anything else reasonable. Super good condition, couple tiny nicks on the tolex and scuffs on the metal grill.
  3. xTomx

    2000's Alternative Rock/Emo a la Taking Back Sunday etc

    Here's a track from an album I produced and recorded with a guy called Bob Cooper, who mixed and mastered it.
  4. xTomx

    (UK)Want to Buy some speakers, sell some.

    I'm sell 4 x Celestion G12T-75 12" 16 Ohms speakers, all perfect condition except one with a surface level tear. Still 100% functional and sounds totally indistinguishable from the others. Also looking to buy some Greenbacks, Creambacks or Lynchbacks.
  5. xTomx

    HM-2core band. (FFO Black Breath/Nails/Harm's Way etc)

    2 of 5 songs from an EP. I did their last EP and demo in a more saturated Kurt Ballou style, decided to clean things up a little this time round. All real except the kick which is replaced. Song 1: Song 2...
  6. xTomx

    FS: Equator D5 (UK)

    Selling my beloved Equator D5 monitors, perfect condition. Amazing speakers that crap all over everything else in the price bracket. Quite a few people on this forum who are fans too. Check the reviews in Sound On Sound, Tape Op, Mix Magazine etc...
  7. xTomx

    Advice on new monitors

  8. xTomx

    Les Paul pickups

    So last year I replaced the stock Classic 57 and 57+ pickups in my Gibson LP traditional because I wanted something a bit hotter. I put in a 496r and 500t and hate 'em. They're high output but just sound like cloudy, unclear crap with no attack. What would you guys recommend? I play...
  9. xTomx

    More Than Life (Live Set) - Melodic Hardcore content.

    I recorded More Than Life's set at the Camden Underworld for the final Last Witness show. One of their guitarists has awful tone and I couldn't put up any overhead mice so it was an uphill struggle but I'm pretty happy overall. Any feedback would be much...
  10. xTomx

    Melodic hardcore (streaming at Rock Sound site) I recorded and edited the Departures songs, the rest was mixed by Steve Sears at Titan Studios (Gallows, TRC, Hand The Bastard etc).
  11. xTomx

    (WTB - UK) Neumann TLM 102

    Word. Don't reply with any other mic offers.
  12. xTomx

    Live show mix (Bury Your Dead, On Broken Wings, BMTH style)

    I recorded and mixed this live set for a UK band's last show at the Underworld. Shit was chaotic, mice getting knocked over, bass pickup breaking, everything being used as a platform for stage dives etc. Any feedback would be super appreciated...
  13. xTomx

    Recording a live band

    I've been offered to record/mix a band's last show and am looking for some advice for those of you who may have done so before. They're a heavy, downbeat hardcore band playing at the Camden Underworld (small stage) and the crowd are going to be insane - stage-diving and knocking shit...
  14. xTomx

    Title Fight/Daylight style band

    My ears are dead so I need yours! Obviously the vocals (and lyrics) are pretty bad but any pointers or criticism would be welcome. All real, no samples, amp sims etc.
  15. xTomx

    Drum mic phase-alignment

    I know there's quite a few people on this forum who have difficulty getting good recored drum sounds. I'm about so start some drum editing and I decided to do a quick before and after of just adjusting the phase relationship of the mics. This way you can hear how far it goes in giving you...
  16. xTomx

    Logic bug with editing

    Wondering if anybody else has had this issue: When cutting a bunch of regions, Logic does so unevenly: I definitely have Group mode turned off (and phase-locked editing disabled), 'Snap To Zero Crossings' turned off too. I actually need to make sure all these regions start at the exact time...
  17. xTomx


    Shameful plug but some of you may dig it: I edit a podcast of long interviews with people from vaguely alternative music, independent culture etc. Guests are varied and include people from The Dillinger Escape...
  18. xTomx

    Sennheiser MD-421 on snare

    Has anybody tried this? I know Jay Maas (Defeater, Bane etc) loves it. The Home Recording Show had it as part of their snare shootout and it rejects the bleed really well. Plus it seems to really have that low-mid smack. Would be interested to hear other people's thoughts on it.
  19. xTomx

    m8 do u even podfarm? :tickled:
  20. xTomx

    Slayer/Entombed meets hardcore (Boss HM-2 content)

    This is a band I've recorded and posted on here before, just did a quick demo for them: We just tried to make it as dumb and over the top as possible, hence the bell toll. EDIT: Re-did it from scratch, no longer sounds anemic.