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  1. Adam Stryker

    Bloodbath Forum Members Discord

    Here is the link to join the Discord server. If you have any problems joining let me know. Same rules apply there as they do here.
  2. Adam Stryker

    A Song Of Smileys and Desolator. Game of Thrones Book/TV Thread

    Here we can discuss spoilers current plots and everything of Westeros. This is to keep the off topic thread for random goofiness and keep from having things spoiled. This forum does not have spoiler tags so we cannot add spoiler text. I dont know how we are going to get around this. But...
  3. Adam Stryker

    The Geek Thread

    This thread is to sort out all the talk about tech in other threads and we can talk about it here. Geek stuff excluding Video Games I will start. What are those operating systems you people run?
  4. Adam Stryker

    Long Hair VS Short Hair Thread

    Ok since there was talk about hair in one of our threads I decided to make one. Please feel free to vote if you like long hair or short hair women can vote as well. I also made the poll open to vote as much as you like don't abuse it LOL.
  5. Adam Stryker

    Disturbed Calling It Quits?

    Discuss link below
  6. Adam Stryker

    Guilty Pleasures Thread

    I thougth since everyother forum has its own "Guilty Pleasures Thread" why not us bloodbathz fans? Mine are cinematic rock Pop music such as Rob Thomas Herbal Tea
  7. Adam Stryker

    How To Identify a Meth Lab

  8. Adam Stryker

    Disturbed Asylum

    Was awful nuff said. I swear after listening to that album wants me to go onward into a bottle. Glad i didnt buy it. But lets have a moment of silence for the bandwidth that was used to download it.
  9. Adam Stryker

    Consternation <3

    2:20 3:11 is awesome damn you Anders for teasing me with that guitar.:kickass:
  10. Adam Stryker

    Face Off 9: Paradise Lost VS My Dying Bride

    You know the drill send in those votes
  11. Adam Stryker

    Anxiety Disorders

    Anyone here suffer from it? I recently developed it due to recent influx of stressful events that happen over the holidays err helldays of 2009. Ive been on the benzodiazpines for it but they dont help. Anyone have any ways to cope?
  12. Adam Stryker

    Woe Is ME

    My TGCD cd got a crack and it wont play anymore. Now the store i bought it at shut down.
  13. Adam Stryker

    Hello From West Point, MS

    The Name is Adam im from a small town called West Point, Ms here in the states, I have been a Katatonia fan since The Great Cold Distance. I bought TGCD album at a store called FYE just cause the cover looked very dark and brutal needless to say i was blown away, I never would have thought that...
  14. Adam Stryker

    Anyone Still Fans Of Queensryche

    I just started listeing to there older stuff from the Mindcrime era. Its safe to say IMO that i wish music still had this sound. From the creepy voices at the start/end of songs to the way they made some albums seem like an entire song was cool. Anyway im seeing if anyone still blast this Music...
  15. Adam Stryker

    My Ex Girl Friends Car Is On Blocks

    To makes this short she drives a 2003 Kia Rio with fugly flames on the sides. Also she has a happy bunny sitckarz with retahded Vato Zone hub caps. Anyway i was paying for her tires and she stabbed me in the back, which made me mad and i quit paying on the tires. Then i had the bill sent to her...