Search results

  1. E

    Slam death with funky/hip hop-ish grooves?

    Lately I've been enjoying bands such as Cephalotripsy, Digested Flesh and various Japanese slam bands for the extremely groovy nature of their breakdowns, and I was wondering if anyone knew some slam bands with hip hop-ish grooves that I might enjoy? Preferably bands with as little blastbeats...
  2. E

    Filthy black/death metal

    Lately I've been huge into bands like Morbosidad, Teitanblood, Archgoat, Nunslaughter, Arkhon Infaustus, Necros Christos, Beherit and Inquisition. I really dig their morbid, perverted, blasphemous atmosphere with the ridiculously grimy and gravelly guitar tone, constant violent blastbeats...
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    Black metal request

    I'm looking for more good black metal bands that sound something like Beherit, Archgoat, Katharsis (Ger) and Funeral Winds. Any help out would be appreciated.
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    Slam/deathcore request

    I'm looking for raw, sloppy and non-technical slam/deathcore in the vein of Guttural Engorgement and Impending Doom's first EP. Tinny, high-pitched snares preferred.
  5. E

    Death metal request

    I'm looking for more bands that sound something like Immolation, Incantation, Deicide, Vital Remains, Dead Congregation and Father Befouled. Give me some recs!