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  1. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    A little early, but I'm tired! Everyone Wish Mr. Gallegos a Happy Birthday!!!

    Happy Birthday, Dave...the next year promises to be much better than the last!!! :Spin: Don't hurt yourself blowing out the candles :hotjump: !! Chris H
  2. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Random Thought Thread

    Please use this thread to post thoughts based on "another plane of thought" to enlighten and expand your mind. Here, I'll start with an example: If one was actually four, would seeing a hot blonde on all sixteen still make me tingly in my bad place? :grin: CH
  3. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Everyone's spreading Christmas cheer

    So in the spirit of Christmas, I wanted to share this with all of my friends here. Enjoy! Merry Christmas!!!
  4. Chris H. -Power of Omens

    Just a quick thanks about PP3!

    I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed meeting several of our fans at the PP3 show this year, and look forward to meeting more of you in the future! The show really sparked our interest in playing there next year, if the opportunity presents itself. It was great to hang out with all of...