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  1. Nugent Goes AOL

    What are the best bands on Code666?

    I got the Negura Bunget CD about 2 months ago, and I really love it. I'd like to get into more bands on this label. Who are some of the best acts, and why are they so good?
  2. Nugent Goes AOL

    How is Ken?

    Does anyone have an update on his condition?
  3. Nugent Goes AOL

    This year's Ulver releases...?

    I know Ulver plans on putting out 3 or 4 CD's this year...I hear one of them is a re-make of Nattens Madrigal. Can some one who is better informed than I fill me in on this one?
  4. Nugent Goes AOL

    It must be done...Ulver CD Poll.

    I'm going to have to say Bergtatt. It just rules so much. Groundbreaking and memorable and amazing! I like their newer stuff, too...Bergtatt just gets the most play from me.
  5. Nugent Goes AOL

    NE Metal and Hardcore Festivcal

    I'll make this quick and painless. Will MOTW be there?
  6. Nugent Goes AOL


    whats up?
  7. Nugent Goes AOL

    Actual Damnation Release Date

    Maybe I'm out of the loop, but haven't Opeth still not announced a Damnation release date? I know March/April seems to be the word, but does it not strike anyone as a little odd that we still haven't seen concrete numbers? March is mighty close, after all... My guess would be April. :( But I...
  8. Nugent Goes AOL


    I'm placing an order from The End today, and I want to pick up a Burzum recording. Of the stuff I've heard, I really prefer the slower, more hypnotic stuff (but there were still wasn't totally electronic). What would be a good album to start with? What do the Burzum fans out...
  9. Nugent Goes AOL


    I've heard a few things about this band, and I've heard a clip or two from their new album. Is it worth getting? I know that the artwork is great, you don't have to tell me that...:grin: I don't think I've ever seen such a brutal image. :o So...all shock and no rock? Or are they good?
  10. Nugent Goes AOL


    I've recently (last 6 months) gotten into Immortal...they are phenomenal. I have Sons of Northern Darkness, Damned in Black, At The Heart of winter, and Battles in the North (which I don't like quite as much). To all of the other Immortal fans out there...what is your favorite album of the...
  11. Nugent Goes AOL

    Century Media -- Opeth/Morningrise Sale!

    I haven't read the forum in a bit, so someone might have already put this up here, but there is a sale at right now for "Orchid" and "Morningrise." If you are a new Opeth fan and don't have them, this is your fucking chance! $6 for one, $10 for both. It's the deal of the...
  12. Nugent Goes AOL

    Opeth In NY...Which Date Is Real???

    To Opeth fans in the NY area.... I have seen 2 seperate dates for Opeth in NYC. The post says Jan 19th at Irving Plaza, but the official Opeth site says 24th (or maybe 25th) in Brooklyn at L'Amour. It's not both dates, because the official site says that they're playing...
  13. Nugent Goes AOL

    Guilty Please Bands

    I'm curious to hear what everyone's guilty pleasure bands are. Y'know, the bands that you love rocking out too, but wouldn't exactly...well...wear a t-shirt of. I chuckle at the fact that I love some of the over-emotional hardcore that I listen too...extremely dramatic stuff like From...
  14. Nugent Goes AOL

    Deliverance Release Date

    I have heard 2 things about the release date of "Deliverance," the new "heavy" Opeth album. I've heard that its October 29th from one source and Novermber 12th from another. Do we know which of these is true?