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  1. Falconspirit

    Distant Satellites

    So the new album was released a month ago, thoughts? This one is definitely my favorite !
  2. Falconspirit

    Beyond Infinity

    Hey All, check us out we're a Rock band from Lebanon. Facebook group: Myspace:
  3. Falconspirit


    I thought this would interest someone in here:grin:
  4. Falconspirit

    Happy Birthday Susiiiie

    :hotjump: Happy Birthday Susie:hotjump:
  5. Falconspirit

    Happy birthday Susieeee

    Happy Birthday Susie, Have fun, Enjoy:Spin:
  6. Falconspirit

    Happy Birthday Susie!!

    Hey Sue, Happy Birthday, Have a great one!
  7. Falconspirit

    The Passion Of The Christ

    Well, What do you lot think about this new controversial movie...and are you gonna see it?
  8. Falconspirit

    Member/Poster Of The Year Award 2003 Part II

    Ok, again, this is for all who didnt get their names on the previous poll, so you guys vote on both:err: .Now again, IF I FORGET SOMEONE ITS NOT ON PURPOSE:yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: . be fair and have fun:hotjump:
  9. Falconspirit

    Member/Poster Of The Year 2003

    I thought about this thread or should i say poll I while ago. So, just to have fun, and quite similarly to the forgotten "moderator" thread. I propose you guys vote for the member who had the best posts, the best threads or simply the right things to say at the right time. I will make it a poll...
  10. Falconspirit

    Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King

    Well, in just a few days the last part of this great trilogy will be released, are you looking forward to it? and do tell us what you think of the trilogy in general.:)
  11. Falconspirit

    Saddam Huhu

    Apparently Saddam Hussein the former Iraqi dictator bleh has just been caught. Dunno if anyone might be interested..but bleh!;)
  12. Falconspirit

    Who is yer role model?

    Well, who do you aspire to be like in life? whose steps are you following, if you're not followin any, just who has a singular effect on your life, be it a celebrity or a parent, and why? why?:hotjump:
  13. Falconspirit

    Michel The Jaki "son"

    Just when I woke up, I went to check out the tele to see what was on. Great!, the first channel was CNN, it seems as though Mr. Jackson is being sued again, at first I thought it was some sort of archive of 1993, but apparently it was live and the police were searching his ranch, but he was at...
  14. Falconspirit

    You And The Music

    Well, simple question. Probably been asked a couple of times around here but anyways, which Anathema song represents "you" the most, which one can you relate to in a special way, there are probably many..just name one and why?:grin:
  15. Falconspirit

    Album Query

    Hey guys, long time no see :p ! i just had a question about the new album since the tracks and the release dates have been announced: Is there gonna be an attempt to put one of the new album's music videos on MTV or internationnal radios or official stuff? and would Anathema fans support...
  16. Falconspirit

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    Let us hope from the bottom of our hearts and depth of our souls on this Christmas, That, from our world will emerge as many men of peace as there are stars in the sky, And that we will live plain in a calm planet which knows neither wars nor quarrels a world where hatred will rot and where the...
  17. Falconspirit

    How Did You First Hear About Anathema?

    'Was browsing a CD' in a CD shop, and I really liked the "The Silent Enigma's front cover picture, ""Lady In Milton's Comus" by J.Wright" it turned out to be a great album[coincidence??], so I continued to buy the rest of the albums and got into the music;), and what about the rest of you??
  18. Falconspirit

    New Here..or not!

    Hey all! I am kind of new here, been reading the posts for like a year now, i am a big Anathema fan, been' hearing their fantastic music for like 5 years now.....great group in here! ciao:grin: