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  1. O'blivion


    the other night a found a shopping cart in the street. upon closer inspection [read: alcohol induced crab mimicry] there was an insert poster on the front of the cart, facing the handle bars. it was a message from the osteoperosis society of canada, and in bold caps read: "LIFT WITHOUT RISK."...
  2. O'blivion

    Before Orchid Opeth Sucks

  3. O'blivion

    does anyone speak Anus?

    according to ethnologue, Anus was spoken by 100 people in 1975, on a small island off the coast of Irian Jaya. by now it's probably extinct. there doesn't appear to be any sort of lexical data collected on the language. basically what i'm getting at here, is that i can walk around claiming to...
  4. O'blivion

    i am addicted to wasabi peas

    this is true.
  5. O'blivion

    least favourite Opeth moment (reprise)

  6. O'blivion


    so the other night i was talking to a buddy at the bar: me: do you want to go the Tool concert on the 6th? b: yeah. who's opening? me: Meshuggah b: Big Sugar!?! me: no Meshuggah b: mesh-u-ggah? what do they sound like? me: well name some bands you listen to b: nine inch nails, etc. ...
  7. O'blivion

    who else here. . .

    . . .has been listening to Oceanic non-stop all week? i'm hopelessly addicted. i'll be joining isisholic anonymous very soon:o
  8. O'blivion

    the ocean

    i can't help but notice the hold the ocean has on the music of new england bands, such as MotW and more recently, ISIS. speaking as someone who has never seen it, how has the ocean shaped your lives personally/spiritually/etc.?
  9. O'blivion

    name my hobo band

    we're tentatively a four-piece hobo jam band based in alberta. our instrumental debases include juice-harp, tin whisel, harmonica, alto sax, single-stringed violin, vocals a-la an ether-sniffing bob dylan......and eventually a grand piano. but it has to be the world's most defiled grand piano...
  10. O'blivion

    mad bomber society live

    last night i saw Mad Bomber Society at Red's with three opening bands. it was a really fun and high energy concert. the punk/hardcore culture attendence was high, which doesn't really work into the natural fanbase of a ska band like least that's how i see it. then again, the first...
  11. O'blivion

    the new tool video. . .

    . . .is for parabol/parabola. it's ten minutes of third-eye opening brilliance. this might be their best yet. tool make the best videos. period i wonder if much music or mtv will play a ten minute video. it doesn't really matter, because i have it on my computer anyway.:)
  12. O'blivion

    Indus. . . the most beautiful song

    this might be the most beautiful song i've ever heard. i suppose only time will tell. it's hard to grade a song against thousands of others. i love Dead Can Dance. somehow they manage to reach down to the very core of humanity and bring back its essence to the world in music. . .
  13. O'blivion

    the best album you never heard in your life

    ISIS - Celestial i've had this album for over a year and yet every time i listen to it, it never ceases to amaze me. nothing sounds like ISIS except ISIS. get it. absorb it. love it. there's nothing more i can say.
  14. O'blivion


    imagine a clash between doom and black metal with middle-eastern influences. that is the sound of Melechesh. I'm liking them more with every listen. this is really good stuff. . .
  15. O'blivion

    if you get a kick out of Impaled Northern Moon Forest...

    . . .then Northmoon Ice Pentagrams is for you! just read these lyrics: Frosted Flakes of Frost Let him who hath understanding reckon that this song contains the 9 essential nutritive satanic elements of death, for it is a hellish song. It's song, it's Frosted Flakes of Frost...
  16. O'blivion


    What can I say, Absu are an utterly original, utterly brilliant band. I'd argue that Proscriptor is the best drummer.....ever. I can't get enough of these guys. yes, that's right, Absu are my drug of choice....among many;) so, has anyone else here had their ears anointed with Absu?
  17. O'blivion

    your top thrash albums?

    I'm generally not into thrash, but these albums do it for me: Testament - The Gathering Nevermore - The Politics of Ecstasy The Haunted Made Me Do It