Search results

  1. Harley Barley

    Fulltone OCD for metal?

    Forgive my ignorance I haven't been on here in a while and I forgot the best way to search... or there is nothing on the forum about the OCD which I highly doubt :lol:. Anyways, I tried out a V4 today at a store and seemed pretty awesome used it with a rectoverb25 *what an amp I want one* it...
  2. Harley Barley

    5150 III Tube suggestions?

    I just picked up a 5150 III 100w for 700$!!!! :kickass: beyond stoked. Obviously the tubes are a bit fucky and worn out, its an older serial number #543 and hasn't been treated too well. I've replaced a few of them that seemed to be giving me problems with a few spare 12ax7's (sovtek WC) i had...
  3. Harley Barley

    Mapex Saturn Kick 20x20

    I had a drummer in the other day with a new kit small Mapex Saturn walnut. The kick sounded so freaking fantastic had to sample it! It also made me think that smaller kicks are way better for metal because you don't have that huge low end that bigger kicks have there for are a lot cleaner and...
  4. Harley Barley

    Jason Suecof - Pensado's Place interview wasn't sure if this was the right place to post it, move accordingly:Spin: Edit: godamnit why won't it embed the video.. sorry guys
  5. Harley Barley

    From mixing Metal to mixing Folk/Pop TIPS?

    Hey guys, as like most people here i mix/work on primarily metal/hardcore stuff so i'm very familiar with that sound. But i've been working on this album for a singer songwriter/folky pop chick almost like i dunno.. early Feist? and i am having the absolute hardest time with it. I know what i...
  6. Harley Barley

    We Butter The Bread With Butter - Goldkinder Production?

    Sure it might not be everybody's favourite stuff but i think it sounds pretty fucking good especially the fucking vocals! They remind me of the first suicide silence album. Did anybody on here work on it at all? or know anything about the production? would loveeee to hear some details...
  7. Harley Barley

    Changing Waves Default settings?

    Hey guys, i've done some searching and i can't seem to find anything regarding changing the default settings of any waves plugin's, for example: I always start the CLA-76 on the fastest release and slowest attack, yet it defaults to them both at 4, the middle. So what i'm wondering is if i can...
  8. Harley Barley

    Tip on BIG DRUM ROOM sounds from small pockets This is two sm57's on the floor spaced pair over compressed and lots of lows and high end taken out with pultec style EQ, the reason they are on the floor is to pick up less cymbals and more of the shells + you get this sort of...
  9. Harley Barley

    Just finished this EP, Honestly.. how bad is my mastering job? its going to get printed...
  10. Harley Barley

    Slave out - Pre amp out?

    I'm using a rectifier not sure if this is the line out/preamp out i'm not too familiar with them help would be appreciated
  11. Harley Barley

    Do these guitars sound out of tune? need help ASAP

    the bass and the lead guitar that was recorded with them were very out of tune but i think these sound okay i can't tell tho what do your ears tell you?
  12. Harley Barley

    Needs some fresh ears on this mix! Recorded this for a dude just before christmas finally got around to doing a proper mix, still a few things i want to change. But tell me what ya think? i need somebody else's opinion
  13. Harley Barley

    Question about moving drum tracks

    What is standard practice when it comes to moving drum tracks to be time aligned with each other? Do you move your kick and snare to match up with the overheads? Do you moved the overheads to match up with the kick and snare tracks? Or do you you just leave them? Do you move the room...
  14. Harley Barley

    Anybody have Beyer Dynamic DT770?

    I'm going to get a pair of these for Christmas and I'm just not sure which model i should be getting. Either the DT770M, the DT770 pro 80 ohms or the DT770 pro 250 ohms. I'm planning on using these headphones on everything, recording drums, listening on my iPod, mixing/monitoring live and in the...
  15. Harley Barley

    18 inch floor tom sample?

    I'm wondering if anybody has a few decent multi samples of an 18inch floor tom all the samples i've been finding aren't as low/deep as the original in the recording not even close! any help would be appreciated! (also i wasn't sure where to put this move accordingly!)
  16. Harley Barley

    Mixing spot mics for cymbals?

    How are you guys mixing/processing your spot mics on cymbals? Are you using the main overheads then blending in the spot mics when the drummer is playing them? Sending them all to a buss and EQ/compress there or EQ or each channel? Where are you guys putting your high pass filter in the chain...
  17. Harley Barley

    My biggest drum set up yet! No these are not triggered or sample replaced

    I'm recording a band right now and we set up all the drums today to start tracking tomorrow and i had the drummer just play a song quick from memory and heres what came out after about a 20 minute drum mix. Pretty beastly sounding i...
  18. Harley Barley

    Darkest Hour - The Human Romance

    This albums been out for a couple of months and every time i hear a song from it i am blown away. It's wayyyyyyyy better then there last album (when i kinda gave up on them) the production is great and sort of original in a way. The vocals are super gritty i could see a lot of people not liking...
  19. Harley Barley

    Quick question about plugin placement in logic

    Hey, so this a bit of a noob question but in logic when you go to insert a plugin it shows you folders of the types of plugins to choose from for example: Amp Modelling EQ Dynamics Modulation Reverb Etc. but in these folder it only shows the built in logic plugins, you have to go to...
  20. Harley Barley

    Quick question about plugin placement in logic

    Hey, so this a bit of a noob question but in logic when you go to insert a plugin it shows you folders of the types of plugins to choose from for example: Amp Modelling EQ Dynamics Modulation Reverb Etc. but in these folder it only shows the built in logic plugins, you have to go to...