Search results

  1. jackbraglia

    Looking for a tiny drum set

    So I'm looking for a kit that I can play in my apartment without getting evicted, haha. Whats the smallest drum set you guys have seen? Any suggestions? I'd like to buy a complete set rather than piece by piece.
  2. jackbraglia

    Event Horizon - How much to use?

    Do any of you guys use this?
  3. jackbraglia

    bx_rocktrack "making of" videos

    some cool videos on this new bx_rockrack: i wonder if it will actually be able to satisfy the hi-gain needs of me and my fellow sneapsters :rock:
  4. jackbraglia

    Cowboys From Hell Remaster....WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK HAPPENEDDDD?????

    ok so I get home from a night of drinking and have the urge to listen to Pantera's Cowboys From Hell album (I'm sure this is a common occurrence :rock:) so I go on spotify since I'm too wasted and lazy to grab the actual cd, and see that there was a "remastered" version of the album. So I of...
  5. jackbraglia

    Do Baritone Strings always sound a bit dull/dark?

    I had no idea what sub-forum to put this in, so I just stuck it here. But anyway, I tune low, G#, and typically I just buy a 7 string set and only use the 6. But this time around I decided to try out some baritone strings for the first time (all they had were D'Addario Nickel wound "Baritone...
  6. jackbraglia

    Trouble with Pro Tools and free VST ampsims

    So I have podfarm, which works great with pro tools either in RTAS or with the VST wrapper. But I really want to play with all these free VST ampsims everyone raves about here (LePou, Ignite, etc), but when I try to use the VST to RTAS wrapper with them to use them in Pro Tools, it causes them...
  7. jackbraglia

    Styx - Renegade

    great fuckin mix or what?
  8. jackbraglia

    Which name sounds better for my company?

    Blast Audio Solutions OR Madison Street Sound I might be changing the name of my business, I'd love some opinions!
  9. jackbraglia

    Thrash/Punk Metal Mastering - NEED SOME INPUT!!!

    LEND ME YOUR EARS!!! I only spent like 20 minutes mastering this. All digital, using waves plug-ins and ozone 4. There's certainly a few things I'd change in the mix, but I didn't mix it, so this is all I have to work with. Check out the before and after and let me know if you guys have...
  10. jackbraglia

    Any other good places for Raw/DI tracks for mixing practice?

    So UMF is by far the best source of Raw or DI tracks for mixing practice that I have come across so far. Do you guys know of any good places to find raw tracks for non-metal genres? I know this might not be the best place for this thread, but this is where all the DI tracks usually are so....