Search results

  1. KBMoser

    Free IR

    Free IR. I would love any feedback. If you use it then please give me a shout out. Enjoy. - Keaton *Edit* I thought I'd throw together an incredibly improvised guitar playing with drums to give a little demo, maybe get some other people to check it out...
  2. KBMoser

    Heavy samples, yet again

    I did a comparison between my top mic sample and the default snare in superior, top mic only as well. My Sample : Default SD2 : For this Demo I have cut around 5.5db between 500-600 hz...
  3. KBMoser

    Close ratio string gauge

    Ive been looking for a set of strings that are not so drastic in gauge variation. I like .38 to .42 for my top string, but I hate whats includdd with the rest of the pack, like .08 or .09. s. I like to shred but I cant on such tiny strings. So 2o have noth worlds, I would like to find a single...
  4. KBMoser

    guess the amp

    I thought i'd pull this thing out for some experiments. I'll give you a hint, It's all tube. Note, the speaker in the photo is just to show i mic'd it, its not a 6505+ 112 pre, i'm just using the speaker. sound clip :
  5. KBMoser

    samle of my new 6505+ 112 I trade my universe for this amp plus cash and im very pleased with it. I went to a pawn shop and bought a dean vendetta ($115 guitar for $80)). I also bought some pickups and threm them in there. After a nice setup and intonation this is the result. Opinions would be...
  6. KBMoser

    not metal bit i think you'll enjoy this Opinions please
  7. KBMoser

    is this mix fat?

    Im working with a local vocalist and i was to present this for her to work with. Opinions would appreciated.
  8. KBMoser

    cubase legacy vsts

    ive really really been trying to find the "envelope shaper" vst and and any other plugins from steinberg that they've released in the past. i know some are available for download but i cant seem to find them. theres no info about it on their website and ive searched everywhere on info about it...
  9. KBMoser

    Free Rock Snare Sample Off Santa's Kit

    Its processed and meant to be a thickener. if you listen to it loud you can hear the sample "pulsate" which is sweeter than pumping in my opinion. real snares pulsate and i tried to mimic the "diary of jane" snare from breaking benjamin. 3 layers/ 2 samples per velocity. Merry Christmas. Let...
  10. KBMoser

    looking for a vocalist to collaborate with its a bit different but i think with the right vocals it could slay. im mainly looking for a gritty singer with screaming layered, not really screaming on its own, just a layer. also any suggestions musically or mix wise will be appreciated.
  11. KBMoser

    compressor ; hold parameter

    so basically, i discovered the cubase 5 compressor's hold setting. i played around with it today as ive never seen this setting on a compressor before. ive seen and used it on gates and other effects but not a compressor. so getting some cool results i did some searches on the web and this...
  12. KBMoser

    need eveyones ears

    not looking for negative comments or comments that are irrelevant to this OP. that being said i want to know how this sounds to everyone's ears. thanks
  13. KBMoser

    need opinions on guitar tone

    sloppy i know, but i just wrote it. on my new guitar.
  14. KBMoser

    just picked this up 7

    1999 rg7620 . Traded a schecter diamond series for it... ha ha ha ha. This guitar retailed for 1300 and has BADASS stock pickups in it, i believe they are the precursor to Dimarzio Blaze pickups? lo pro edge 7 trem, basswood body, rosewood neck, pearl fret markers, beautiful. Has rare pearl...
  15. KBMoser

    HUUGE mix

    Think this is my best mix of any genre so far.... I reallly want constructive feedback, especially from those with a pro sub.
  16. KBMoser

    black dahlia esque band/mix

    here it is ( ). The band hasnt tracked bass or vocals yet but im wandering how it sounds so far.
  17. KBMoser

    natural samples, free pearl steel shell

    These samples are of a pearl steel shell snare drum i got about 10 years ago. just realized its a badass snare. Tuning is low and the head was muffled with an interior felt muffling pad. These samples would work for metal but better for rock. The snare as recorded in a 40 ' by 40 ' room with a...
  18. KBMoser

    MY STYLE - Flamenco esq ROCK N ROLL full mix inside. please rate mix and song

  19. KBMoser

    By Sanity single "Potato Chips and Beer" from upcoming EP

    no vox yet or bass tracked yet. let me know what you all think of the mix so far. trying to nail those drums sounds. This band is from dayton ohio and in the passed they were playing some sweet shows, had a tour and everything, metalblade bought out some small label and asked these guys to play...