Search results

  1. TravestyOfMan

    Recommended albums

    I've been trying to get into some Aussie bands recently and started by picking up Alchemist's 'Organasm' which I love. I want to pick up some of their earlier albums... which order would you recommend I buy them (from best to worst)? Budget is a little tight at the moment... I'm really into...
  2. TravestyOfMan

    Goofy Masks, Makeup and Costumes

    Here's a theory: bands that are lacking in the musical talent department often employ the silly masks, makeup and costumes technique in order to draw attention away from the fact that they play crap music. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. Any thoughts? For some black/ gothic metal...
  3. TravestyOfMan

    New Soilwork album

    Anyone heard anything about the new Soilwork album, or heard any tracks. I've only heard the sample track on the Nuclear Blast site ( ) - sounds okay, hopefully the rest of the album is better. What do you guys and gals think?
  4. TravestyOfMan

    Help save my soul

    I've been into metal for a few years now but I have to admit that I have never really gotten into Aussie metal, not because I think the bands are shit or anything, but basically through my own ignorance. I've heard the odd song here or there from Alchemist, Dreadnaught... mostly stuff off Triple...
  5. TravestyOfMan

    Funny List Maybe some of you will agree with some of the selections, but I thought this was pretty funny. :D
  6. TravestyOfMan

    New Opeth Website

    I just saw this on their existing site: "The new design of the official site has been delayed.... The reason for the delay is that my hard drive crashed. Obviously I had no back-up... Well, I have learned my lesson. Trust me... It will take at least two months to restore and start working...
  7. TravestyOfMan

    Grammy nominees

    Anyone seen the Grammy nominations for best metal performance? Slayer, Slipknot, Black Sabbeth, System of a Down, Tool... okay, so there are a few good bands in there but is this what it all boils down to for metal? I guess the Grammy's are pretty mainstream though, but still, this is a pretty...
  8. TravestyOfMan

    Arcturus fans?

    Anyone here a fan of Arcturus? I've been listening to some MP3's from their album "La Masquerade Infernale" (as far as I know it hasn't been released outside Europe) and I've got to say that I really like their style. Really symphonic and majestic, with a dark edge. Very different to anything...
  9. TravestyOfMan

    Been overseas for two months...

    I've just arrived back from two months in Canada, during which I didn't have regular access to the Internet where I was staying, so I thought I'd post to see if I've missed out on any major developments. Has there been anything of particular importance regarding Opeth that has occured while I...
  10. TravestyOfMan

    Good metal mag to subscribe to in Australia?

    Could anyone recommend a good metal magazine to subscribe to in Australia? I've mostly been buying Metal Hammer but it's just getting too expensive, so I was thinking of going for a local publication.
  11. TravestyOfMan

    Favourite Horror Movies?

    An horror movies buffs/ fans on this board? What are your favourite films? Some of mine are: - Psycho [Original Version] (Pretty obvious given my avatars) - Halloween (a classic, not really 'scary' per se, but it has a brilliant atmosphere) - Texas Chainsaw Massacre (just pure insane...
  12. TravestyOfMan

    Sentenced - Down

    Would anyone recommend this album?
  13. TravestyOfMan

    "Shit that's good!"

    I've noticed recently that everytime a really awesome part of a song comes up - a section in the music that just totally has me in awe - I'll just stop and think "Shit that's good!", in stunned amazement. "They can't be writing music this brilliant, it's just not possible!" I think to myself...
  14. TravestyOfMan

    Repeat Listens

    I might be stating the obvious here, but has anyone noticed how different an album can sound after you've listened to it a few times? It's also really weird when you throw on a CD that you haven't heard for ages, and suddenly all the preconceptions you had are thrown out the window. I decided to...
  15. TravestyOfMan

    Question for Aussies

    Don't mean for the subject to sound exclusive, but you'll know what I mean... In Australia, is anyone else pissed off at the lack of major television and radio stations that have dedicated metal programs. I know JJJ has three-hours of power, and RAGE has the occasional clip, but apart from...
  16. TravestyOfMan

    Sound effects and atmosphere

    What do people think about the use of sounds effects and atmospheric sounds in music? Stuff like the rain at the start of MAYH, now that's some cool shit. Do you think that Opeth should make greater use of things like that, like within songs and layered beneath their music, or do you think that...
  17. TravestyOfMan

    Dick head...

    Just read this customer review at an online music store, regarding MAYH ( I know everyone is entitled to their opinion (as he points out), but really... "This album is lame and should be sold in the cheese cabinet of your local...
  18. TravestyOfMan

    Sick bastards?

    I was just listening to a report on the radio about members of bin Laden's organisations calling for all Muslims to wage war against Americans and to attack U.S interests around the world. They said that there would be more plane hijackings and suicide missions like the one's on September 11...
  19. TravestyOfMan

    Stupid Question...

    This is something I'd forgotten about, but I was just reminded when I slipped on Still Life for another listen. Is it just me or does Serenity Painted Death sound like it ends with a few notes missing? I always thought that it might have just been a bad copy I had bought, but I downloaded an MP3...
  20. TravestyOfMan

    Favourite Album Cover?

    You've probably been asked this question before, so accept my apologies and ignore this post if that's the case. Anyway, what's your favourite Opeth cover? And what do you prefer, illustrated covers or photographs (in general)? With the first three Opeth covers, I actually think the...