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    Song Title Input

    This is a list of song titles from my band Theonomous. Being on the slightly darker side of Power Metal, our titles should match that particular theme. So, I am wondering what everyone thinks of them. I'd like everyone's opinion, on them, so here we go: The Dark Warrior Pts. 1-4 (An medieval...
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    Best Metal Album Of ALL Time?

    So, what's the best Metal album of all time? This would fit most likely in the "Classic Old School" category, but other more current albums could be put in it as well too. Here's my choices: AC/DC-Highway To Hell :) AC/DC-Back In Black :) Metallica-Ride The Lighting (Too bad they suck now)...
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    How Much Longer Until We Hear About The New Drummer?

    So Steve, how much longer until we hear something on the coveted drummer's chair? Anything interesting? And one more question, who is the voice speaking at the beginning of "Power Quest Part 1? Is it you Steve, or one of the other guys or...? Just curious. BTW, the album is incredible dude...
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    Why Power Metal?

    Well here's a question that I must pose, as it has been burning inside me for awhile now.....Why do we like Power Metal? Now, don't get me wrong, I like other kinds of Metal, (except for Rap Metal and Alternitive or Grunge. Blechhhhhh) such as Black, Death, Thrash, Doom, Gothic, and "Basic" old...
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    Drum Thread For WeekendWarrior

    Well here's the thread WW wanted, so here is a bit of my playing history and kit info. I stated playing drums at 18 years old. My playing style was heavily influenced by Classic Rock Bands and "old school" Heavy Metal (which of course, was the current Metal style at the time.) I started on a...
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    Best Power Metal Formula?

    So what mixtures does everyone think makes for the bst formula in Power Metal? Blind Guardian has Folk/Medieval flavor with their Power Metal.:rock: Nightwish and Howling Syn have the Goth edged style with theirs. :) Therion have an Operatic/Classical/Goth style to them.:grin: Children Of...
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    New Bands To Check Out

    Hello Everyone, Here 's some Power Metal bands to check out at, in case you haven't heard of them or checked them out already: Northwind Saga-(Japanese Power Metal) Heavenblast-(Italian Power Metal) Lost In Twilight-(Finnish Power Metal, hehehehe, need I say more?)...
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    So, Did Anyone Ever Check Out Howling Syn And Darkwell?

    I was just wondering if you guys ever checked out those 2 Gothic Metalbands I suggested and if you did, what did you think?
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    What Classic Rock Bands Are Your Favorite?

    Here are just a few of mine: Kansas Journey Foreigner Styx AC/DC Led Zepplin Boston The Who Rush The Babys Heart Black Sabbath Foghat Moly Hatchet 38 Special REO Speedwagon
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    What is the WORST album you've ever heard and what album was biggest let-down?

    What is the worst metal album you've ever heard, and what album did you wait for with baited breath, rush out buy it he day it came out, only to fnd it was a big disappointment? I was very disappointed with The Horror show by Iced Earth. It just lacked something that was in their other albums. I...
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    Just A Thank You

    I just wanted to say that I have so far, thouroughly enjoyed being on the Power Quest Forum, and it has been a joy to chat and post with all of you. Steve is the coolest guy on the planet, and everyone has made me feel welcomed here. It is so excellent to be able to talk without a bunch of rude...
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    What would be your "Dreamband?"

    What would be the ULTIMATE Power Metal or Metal in general if you took members of different bands and made one? As the best bassist best drummer etc. Here's mine: Drums: Thomas Stauch of Blind Guardian Bass: Magnus Rosen of Hammerfall Rythmn Guitar: Jon Schaeffer of Iced Earth Lead Guitar...
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    Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack

    If you had to pick a Power Metal band to do the music for the film (besides Blind Guardian):) who would it be? This is just a hypothetical question. Too bad Power Metal wasn't used!!!!!!:waah:
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    New Comer

    Hello all, I am new here. I'm a 30yo metalhead that is a writer, and drummer. I like all genres of metal except Nu-Metal and Rap Metal crap. My favorite is Power Metal. I'm into werewolves, medieval time era fantasy movies (sword & sorcery) and sci-fi. I just wanted to say hello and I hope to...