Search results

  1. K

    Flickering in and out/bad connection effect?

    I wanted to end a song link this instead of having the chords ring out. Was wondering if anybody knows a good way of doing it or a plug (mac, AU) that will do this effect. Pretty much looking for the entire mix to flicker in and out and then just cut off, like if you have a bad connection on...
  2. K

    Looking for mastering engineer.

    Figured I'd check here first. I have the mix I can send you, this will be for 8 songs total in the end. Would like to get a sample back to have the band hear and also pricing, etc. Go ahead and pm me with rates and such and I can get you the song.
  3. K

    What hardware do you use on the 2bus?

    I'm setting up my next year or so of purchases and I was going to get a stereo pre, eq, and comp. I wanted the EQ and comp to work double duty for tracking as well as 2bus for mixing, so I was just curious what everybody out there was using on their 2bus, if anything. Currently what I'm...
  4. K

    Feedback on rock mix.

    First mix for these guys currently. I have 7 more to go. Wanted to get some general feedback on the mix.
  5. K

    WTB: SoundToys Decapitator

    Just in case anybody doesn't use theirs or needs some money. :)
  6. K

    Some sort of metal here.

    I don't know genres and I don't feel like picking one so everybody can tell me I'm wrong. Anyway. Recorded these guys a bit ago and finally done with mixing and got it mastered a week ago. Felt like putting it up. Only have the .wav here at work so I guess download it or use some real...
  7. K

    How do you guys bleep out swear words for radio edits?

    Just wondering. I've never done it before. I don't want to just cut them out since they have that rhythm going on and cutting out a beat (to me) just sounds funky. What do you guys do go give the word that mix up sound?
  8. K

    My mix lacks weight.

    I'm pretty far into mixing this. There are some vocal parts that I haven't fixed yet, and the delay parts that I'm still tinkering with to get the right levels. There are keys that will be added, as well, no clue what they will consist of. Just wanted to post this here to get some feedback. I...
  9. K

    Clipper for Logic (AU)

    Any suggestions? Haven't played around with clipping yet and felt like trying it out. Did a search and went a few pages and didn't see anything. Most people seem to use gclip but it's not compatible with a MAC.
  10. K

    Opinion of a mix.

    Just a short description. Singer and guitarist tracked this (guitars, vox, bass). Drums were all programmed and sounded completely different when I got them. Anyway, they're not digging it but I think it sounds pretty decent. Wanted to get some feedback to see if I'm crazy, or I just suck...