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  1. ZanetheVocalist

    The Best Way to Produce a Band

  2. ZanetheVocalist

    One of my new mixes

    Lmk which one you like best. P.S.My bad for not trimming the silence on the first track.
  3. ZanetheVocalist

    New KayseeKay mix

    Here's a song of mine I've been working on and I'm pretty happy with it. The only complaint I got was the clean vocals were kinda "plain". I'm kind of minimalistic when it come to my vocals but I've added in some chorus to give it something extra. Oddly enough, actually doubling the take didn't...
  4. ZanetheVocalist

    How do Santa Hat?

    Alot of you guys have santa hats in your avatar. Is this an inside joke or just a sneap forum fad? Either way I want one lol so.... How do Santa hat? ¯\(°_o)/¯
  5. ZanetheVocalist

    Tracking Guitars workflow

    I've been thinking about changing my strategy when tracking guitars. I used to track a single guitar scratch track to use for drum recording. Then I would quantize the drums, then record the guitars tracks meant for the album. Often I'd have to edit the scratch track extensively, or else...
  6. ZanetheVocalist

    This tone is really pissing me off

    So this is a work in progress for my band, and I just can't seem to get the guitars to sound like I want.They seem a bit distant to me and I want to make them more in your face. Any advice would be appreciated.