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    Joey's technique of processing clean vocals?

    Hi, guys! I nead help! Who know the Joey's technique of processing clean vocals? How to get a similar sound?
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    mixing the vocals

    hi) how do you mixing the vocals usually? What is your processing algorithm?
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    Who can make a sound like Oceano - Depths (2009)

    Hi guys! Who can make a sound like Oceano - Depths (2009)? Drums - midi (Need Slate Drums (Kick 10az1, Snare 12az1, Maple toms)) Bass - Di-track or midi or Trilian Guitars - Di-tracks Vox - double track Need to do a one track for a music video now, and little later will need to mix the album)...
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    Oceano - Depths

    Hi. Joey uses Steven Slate kick, as I understood . Does anybody now which one (I am interested in the sound of Oceano 2009)?
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    Guys, please advise me what to buy for a set of music style Deathcore. Need everything - Kick, Snare, 3 Toms and Cymbals. Guitar - 7 string, drop A. Really like the sound of Oceano - Depths (2009) can someone knows the settings pod farm that used to get the sound of guitars they have) I would...