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    RATE MY MIX - Goofy Hardcore

    Looking for some opinions on this. All real everything, recorded without a click track in about an hour. All criticism and questions accepted! THE TRACK
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    Help With Logic Pro 9 - No Output - No Meters

    Hey all, sorry if this is in the wrong spot, I couldn't really figure out where to place this. A bit of a technical issue here. I was working on a project and editing some guitars. I got the standard 'logic messed up' message, saved & quit the project, but upon reopening, there is no output, and...
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    Fast BYD Style Hardcore - STEMS

    This is a good minute-long track for practice with kick & snare levels. If anyone is interested in the (unprocessed) stems, They're below. If anyone has feedback on my mix, I would be happy to hear. One Hour Mix STEMS: Dropbox
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    Help With Fast Hardcore Mix?

    I have no idea what I'm doing with this, any tips would be sweet
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    Grindy / Sludgy mix - Live Off The Floor

    Tracked these three songs in a jamspace earlier this month. I think it turned out pretty cool. ism - demo
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    DeathCore Mix

    I just finished this mix for a local metal band, and I want to know what y'all think. The song is alright, pretty straightforward deathcore. They sent me The Common Man's Collapse as a reference mix. Couldn't even touch it. Oh well. //
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    Mosh Metal! Amplitube 3 & Slate samples

    My latest mixtest, and my first using Amplitube 3. 5150 head w/ sperimental impulses All the bass / drums were programmed
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    Local metalcore-ish band

    A band I recorded out of my parents' basement a couple weeks ago. I need all the help I can get. -
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    Lower Definition style mix

    Hey y'all first time poster, new member, long time lurker, and total production n00b I'm recording a band with a post-hardcore sound pretty close to lower definition and the like. I threw together a quick couple of riffs (and of course, a cliché breakdown) to try my skills working with...