Search results

  1. Aida_Melodica

    Best Prepaid Long-Distance Plan?

    I'm wondering if anyone here knows a good prepaid phone card or long distance plan for calling from the U.S. to Germany. Since I'm on a slow connection and don't often voice-chat, it would be easier to call someone on the phone, but I wouldn't want to sell my soul just to pay the price. So...
  2. Aida_Melodica

    Magic and Might - rate my lyrics

    She heard his spell-song in a dream Setting her heart for him there The white moon rose, casting down its beams To match her beauty so fair The elf-maid rode for the Dark Wood next morn His golden light flickered through the trees She could not reach him, her spirit forlorn Not knowing...
  3. Aida_Melodica

    Best MIDI compatable keyboard?

    I've heard Yamaha sucks and I've seen a lot of Casio keyboards out there. There's also Kurzweil and Korg. So... what in your opinion is the best keyboard that can be used at home, on stage, and plugged into the computer to make MIDI files? Any good recommendations for someone on a tight budget?
  4. Aida_Melodica

    Two trades for art's sake

    I'll trade blank CD-R type versions of these bootlegs for ones with actual cover artwork: Lucifer's Heritage - Symphonies of Doom (Demo) Lucifer's Heritage - Battalions of Fear (Demo) Demons & Wizards - German Crusade (Live in Ballingen)
  5. Aida_Melodica

    Best Dial-Up ISP?

    Since I don't have high-speed access in my area, I'm looking for opinions on what the best dial-up ISP is. I've tried ones from United Online such as BlueLight and NetZero and although I like their low price, unlimited access, and the accelorator that loads web pages faster, the connect program...
  6. Aida_Melodica

    Mithrandir Is Looking For Members!

    I'm the co-founder of a project who is looking to grow into a band. We play melodic metal in the style of Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Nightwish, Dio, etc. Who we are so far: Kate - keyboards/vocals Byron - vocals Who we are looking for: lead guitar/vocals rhythm guitar/vocals...
  7. Aida_Melodica

    looking for mp3s

    does anyone have one or more of the following songs on mp3? I can't find them anywhere! - Blood Of Christ - Beneath The Beauty Of Darkness - Misfortune - Pain Unbearable - Pretoria - Crimson Dying - Rotting - Sexually Tortured - Viral Load - Raped With A Rake - Zarathustra -...
  8. Aida_Melodica

    look who I recruited, could it be a partner in crime?

    any of you check the newly joined people lately and see some metalhead from canada? well, he's a good friend of mine, so much so that we've earned the reputation of "partners in crime" on certain chat places. I don't want to make him feel overwelcomed, so I don't think I'll tell you that his...
  9. Aida_Melodica

    Vocalist looking for North-Cali ppl to jam with!

    A friend of mine was thinking of starting a band and I told him I'd be a good vocalist, but he hasn't gotten back. I've always wanted to do vox, even more than being a drummer... so, now's the time for action or it'll never get done! if you want more info, reply to this message and/or use my...
  10. Aida_Melodica

    Heavy B-day To Me!!!!!

    at 21.25 tonight (the 23rd) I officially turn 19 years old! So, let's all throw up the horns and hail, shall we? :rock:
  11. Aida_Melodica


    what's the best multitracking software and mic to get for a comp for the lowest price? I'm heavily interested in perfecting my vocals for a future career and I'd love to have a good piece of vocal editing equipment without breaking the bank. I live in the US btw.
  12. Aida_Melodica

    hail \m/

    hey, just got here and the site kicks ass so far! had to register with my stupid isp email, but if you really wanna contact me, icq me or msn message me and email me HERE My fav band is Blind Guardian and i just might get the chance to see them in San Francisco in December! so I guess this...