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  1. J.J.D.

    New Katatonia Interview

    Hello fellow Katatonia fans, I thought you might find this recent interview with Katatonia of interest. Here's the link - J.J.D.
  2. J.J.D.

    Strapping Young Lad Tour

    I spoke to Devin Townsend the other day (Meaning that the interview should be up some time soon), and he mentioned that Strapping Young Lad were booked to play here in Australia sometime towards the end of October. Thought I might share the news.
  3. J.J.D.

    Destruction Of Oz Festival

    Anybody out there thinking of going? I am still thinking about it. Who's the biggest drawcard? For me, it would have to be Doro.
  4. J.J.D.

    Metallica's 'St. Anger' Verdict

    Although it's a lot to take in after a couple of days, I already know that 'St. Anger' is a huge return to form for the band. What do the rest of you think?
  5. J.J.D.

    The Devin Townsend Poll

    Hello there, I can't believe someone actually voted Punky Brüster as one Devin Townsend's best pieces of work! I love the album, but does anybody have any ideas who this poor individual is? (Laugh) J.J.D.
  6. J.J.D.

    Verdict On The Opeth Shows

    Hello All, Although it's hardly news to everyone who attended the Opeth shows, I thought I would just add that I thought it was brilliant! It'll take something extra special to top this as this years best show. That is until they come back later this year! What did everyone else think...
  7. J.J.D.

    Opeth Shows

    How many of you out there were lucky enough to secure a ticket for the upcoming Opeth tour? I'll be at the Melbourne show.
  8. J.J.D.

    Opinion Poll Results

    As I expected, the results of the opinion poll suggest that Jason Newsted should drop the subject of Metallica, and focus more of his attention on playing. Was anyone out there at all suprised by the results? (55% suggested he drop the subject, 40% don't care and 5% think he still has...
  9. J.J.D.

    The Haunted Tour

    Hello Everyone, I wondered how many of you are going to see The Haunted when they come down to Australia on their 'One Kill Wonder' tour next week? I'll be there, that's for sure! J.J.D.
  10. J.J.D.

    How Much Is A C.D. Worth?

    Hello Guys, Let's throw out another silly question shall we? O.K. I'm a big collector of music, and I sometimes pay, what may seem to some, a hefty price for some rather rare and collectable piece of music. Usually it's been deleted for some time, or sometimes it happens to be something I...
  11. J.J.D.

    The Haunted Are Set To Kill Australia!

    That's right folks. The Haunted are touring Australia, with thier third album 'One Kill Wonder' hitting the stores around the same time. Here's the dates - 13th March - Adelaide Tivoli 14th March - Melbourne The Corner 15th March - Sydney Metro 16th March - Brisbane Waterloo How...
  12. J.J.D.

    What's Your Latest Dissapointment?

    It's been a little quiet around here of late, so I thought it was time to throw a subject out to you people and find out what your thoughts are. While every step is taken, and the research is done (Reading reviews and listening to the hype), you can't help but every now and then buy what you...