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  1. T

    Indiegogo Campaign for Comedy-Rockumentery

    Hello Metalfans and other Self-Promoters! I am producing a Feature Rockumentary about Fun an Trueness in Metal. Trollkotze - the most true kvlt evil grim and frostbitten Band in the World The Film will be part Information through Interviews with people from the Scene and part Story in a...
  2. T

    Trollkotze - PTK12

    Trollkotze is an underground metal band that was active in 2004 and went viral for it's humorous attempt at black/viking/troll metal and with the help of 2 hilarious music videos linked on their website below. Now they are back for an entertaining Crossmedia project, which is soon to be...
  3. T

    Hello, Metal Fan and Producer from Germany!

    Hello Folks, my name is Daniel, I used to be a super true underground metal head in my teenage years. Now, 24 years of age, I'm a filmstudent (creative producing) but still rocking the long hair and occasionally listening to my old albums :) some all time favourites are of course still in my...