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  1. Z

    DESPERATELY need help in choosing first acoustic guitar

    Hey there! I'm in desperate need of choosing an acoustic guitar, but I'm not sure which one I should choose, you know. It wouldn't be an acoustic guitar, just one to play folk metal, you know Anybody have any ideas?
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    Hey guys, checkout my groundbreaking idea to promote my band's image

    I have an innovative idea to promote my band's image, something that I don't think has been done before.... You know, you look at these bands: Metallica's shtick: being a popular band on the radio that played good Metal Guns n Roses' shtick: being a popular band that had a bad boy image...
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    Desperately needing guitar learning methods - please help

    Right, so basically I'm going to practice the guitar for about 6 hours a day on weekdays (after work starting 6 PM until midnight), and all day on weekends. I would only take breaks when I deserve it (say I master a full Metallica or Zeppelin album, then I'll give myself a few days of leisure...
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    I figured out a way to innovate in Hard Rock, but I desperately need your input

    I'm looking at Guns N Roses, thinking "were they the last classic Hard Rock band?" They sounded different and ahead of the game, by being a mainstream band that injected raw credibility with groovable rhythms and loud guitars. However, Queens of the Stone Age seem to be the last classic Hard...
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    an we get a list of try-hard 2000s metal bands?

    Or bands that became notable in the 2000s, anyway like you look at a band like mastodon, effortlessly cool and makes great music yet a band like five finger death punch is a try hard douche-metal band, you know. It could be from any genre, too. Try not to name any -core bands...
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    Desperately need help choosing first guitar

    Right, In three years from now, my band (which I will form next year) will release a debut album that’ll end up being as critically acclaimed and commercially successful as GnR’s debut. It won’t sound anything like GnR’s debut, but it’ll have a similar story: A relatively new band’s first...
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    Need help in maintaing unruly bandmates

    Not that I have any unruly bandmates yet, but I'm looking for advice on how to avoid as much of that drama as I can, you know. Basically looking to avoid a Dave Mustaine type of an episode: You know, when a band member's problems continue to fester, and because they've gone unnoticed, they...
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    Check out my idea that could revolutionize the music industry

    Local artist website A website that’ll network local artists around the globe. Users will use the site to view all local artists in their area, or anywhere else. Artist info (where to buy merchandise/social networking info/upcoming tour dates) will be included. The website will have a...
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    So....Is it possible to be innovative in Metal anymore?

    You know, I was checking out sub genres in Metal earlier, and I guess I'm asking if there's any innovative metal groups around anymore I mean think about it, when's the last time there's been a hot new metal genre? The 90s, right? you know..Folk Metal, Drone Metal, Black Metal, Death metal...
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    Anybody feel like joining a band that'll be one of the bigge

    LOOKING FOR: rhythm guitarist/bassist/drummer/singer I live in Portland Oregon. I'm 22 years old, and I’ll be looking for musicians my age or younger. The reason for this, is that I'm planning to have this group run for 50 years or more, and I want the longevity to be secure. You’ll...
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    Can you explain why the Enter Sandman riff sounds 'sleepy' ? Listen to that riff, man. Doesn't it sound very...'sleepy' ? It fits the mood of the song, but I don't know what makes it sound very...'sleepy', you know? Are the notes he's playing associated with lullabies or...
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    recent acclaimed bands that got commercial success

    hello there! Can anybody help me, by listing bands that received critical acclaim & also received commercial success as well? I'm not that into Metal (yet), so the only band that I can think of is Mastodon. Oh, I suppose I'm talking about bands in North America. Since there's an...