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  1. Inceptionist

    Changing RR24 pickups

    I have a Jackson RR24 that is taking the EMG 81 out of and replacing with a Dimarzio PAF Pro and JE-1000. For anyone with a randy rhoads guitar how long of a wire did you need to reach the output jack? The clone I’m looking at has an 8 inch wire and I’m not sure how much I’ll need? I know tons...
  2. Inceptionist

    Jackson RR24 Issues

    I've owned my RR24 for 5-6 years now, and I absolutely love it, but have had two problems I've never been able to fix. Curious if anyone else who owns one has these issues too, or knows of a way to fix them. 1) Intonation - When I first got it I remember it being horribly out of intonation when...
  3. Inceptionist

    Recording question

    I'm looking into purchasing some audio recording equipment, my question refers to audio interfaces in particular. I'm very confused about the number of channels I will need. I'll be recording all of the instruments myself one at a time (except for drums which will be made using computer...
  4. Inceptionist

    Children of Bodom's borrowed riffs

    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LIST SO FAR: Red Light In My Eyes 1 - Bach's...
  5. Inceptionist

    Which album do you think the new album will be closest to?

    Which album do you think the new album will be closest to?