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  1. Lies and Perfidy

    Go see Iron Man

    Right now.
  2. Lies and Perfidy

    Internet one, self zero.

    Fuck me in the goatass.
  3. Lies and Perfidy

    darmok and jilad

    at tanagra
  4. Lies and Perfidy

    Seattle Folks

    I need a job. Anyone know of any opportunities? Mostly retail & office experience, some radio & restaurant stuff as well. This is pretty random but yeah I need work right now. Do have a resume and all that good stuff. Drop me a line if anything comes to mind.
  5. Lies and Perfidy

    The Studio 7 Thread

    I just want to be the first to post. Crazy, crazy shit happened. Openers were terribad. Couple retarded-ass drunks in the crowd, but overall, things were awesome. More to come as best narrated by the proper people, and of course, pictures.
  6. Lies and Perfidy

    Base ten is a completely arbitrary concept

    From now on let's all use base seven as the foundation of our numerical system. It has more intellectual cred.
  7. Lies and Perfidy

    Jon Lovitz beats the crap out of Andy Dick! THANK YOU JON.
  8. Lies and Perfidy

    New Slough Feg available for streaming
  9. Lies and Perfidy

    @Seattle people

    So I've been living up in Washington for about a month now (though I would not yet consider myself "settled"), and I'd like to start lookin for some live music and good local bands. Some dude on the bus told me Studio Seven was a good place to see shows - now I just gotta figure out what bands...
  10. Lies and Perfidy

    Jerry Falwell, SUCK SATAN'S COCK For this, I get plastered this weekend.
  11. Lies and Perfidy

    suck satan's cock falwell

    CAuse two threads just aren't enough.
  12. Lies and Perfidy

    Jerry Falwell roasts in hell If there is any justice in existence, lava-dripping maggots are devouring his colon from the inside out.
  13. Lies and Perfidy

    Kurt Vonnegut dies

    Passed away of brain injuries incurred from a fall weeks ago. Now that is a fucking bummer.
  14. Lies and Perfidy

    Firefly/Serenity thread

    Cause I know Max, at least, likes this show and therefore gets ten points. Some of the best off-HBO television in years. Joss Whedon has the best ear for dialogue in the business (the reason Buffy was terrible is because his brilliant skills was going towards reproducing the dialogue of...
  15. Lies and Perfidy

    Name change lawl, and other stuff

    If anyone's wondering, Lies and Perfidy = everyone's favorite Jewben. I don't even remember where the fuck the name "Pyrus" came from, but I like this phrase. So yeah. And a situation update for those keeping score: I'm moving to Seattle (Bellevue specifically, at least for the first couple...
  16. Lies and Perfidy

    Warrel Dane is a gentleman and a scholar

    Actually, I don't think he's either of those things, but it's a good turn of phrase, isn't it? This parody thread brought to you by too much time on Royal Carnage.
  17. Lies and Perfidy


    You have inspired me, sir.
  18. Lies and Perfidy

    holy fuck i've been posting on this forum for four years

    missed the actual anniversary man, wtf, how have I cared this long? you people are awful fuckin entertaining, keep it up. Oh btw, my computer is fried (borrowing a laptop right now). when i get it back maybe i'll dredge up some of my old posts for shits and giggles.
  19. Lies and Perfidy


    Or I'll steal your babies and turn them into Jews.
  20. Lies and Perfidy

