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  1. Scourge of Malice

    Primordial - "To The Nameless Dead"

    Didn't see a thread on this already (feel free to direct me to one and delete this if I missed it). Got a hold of it yesterday and I'm really loving it so far. Definitely feels more like their older albums, its more aggressive than "The Gathering Wilderness" I think. What are your thoughts on it?
  2. Scourge of Malice

    New Cynic song - "Evolutionary Sleeper" What do you guys think? I like it overall. The vocals sound great, and the cleaner guitar parts were really nice.
  3. Scourge of Malice

    Aaron Turner joins a black metal band... Weird. Haven't listened to Twilight, can anyone say anything about them?
  4. Scourge of Malice

    Moonsorrow - "V: Havititty"

    Wow, this album rules. They exceeded my expectations again. Who else has heard it?
  5. Scourge of Malice

    House of Leaves

    Anyone read this book? I'm halfway into it (should be finished by now but I've been slacking off on it lately), and its fucking awesome. Very strange and done in an interesting way.
  6. Scourge of Malice

    For the Slowdive fans...

  7. Scourge of Malice

    When all the polls are done...

    are we gonna put all the winning songs in a poll to figure out the all time forum favorite Katatonia song? That would be interesting... and tough.
  8. Scourge of Malice

    Brand new song!Wo

    Wrote and recorded quickly tonight after a random hit of inspiration. YouSendIt: The Leader in File Delivery. Still needs vox and some keys, and a few touch ups and maybe changes, but tell me what you think.
  9. Scourge of Malice

    I don't like egg nog, but...

    This shit is amazing!
  10. Scourge of Malice


    This movie looks awesome Apple - Trailers - 300 - Teaser Trailer - Medium
  11. Scourge of Malice

    Finished a new song...

    Actually recorded it about a month ago, but I re-recorded it tonight cause it sounded too harsh. Gotta add vocals and some keyboard and theres a few spots that should be touched up but I'm over it right now. Again, its very "post-metal" with some very obvious inspiration that I won't try to...
  12. Scourge of Malice

    Recent live shows?

    Share what shows you've been attending lately. Don't think there's been a thread about this yet. About to go see Katatonia, very excited! Last show before this was Matmos, which was awesome, but gotta admit it got a little weird at the end, as they spanked a guy on stage as part of the...
  13. Scourge of Malice

    Isis - "In the Absence of Truth"

    Out today, go buy it ^_^
  14. Scourge of Malice

    Live videos

    Though it might be cool to have a thread where we can post some of our favorite live vids that are on the net. I'll start off with one of ISIS ^_^ ISIS - "Grinning Mouths" One of their greatest songs, imo. Great way to end "Panopticon" and very powerful live...
  15. Scourge of Malice

    Enslaved US Tour!

    "ENSLAVED TO TOUR THE US NEXT YEAR! ENSLAVED TO TOUR THE US IN JANUARY! Enslaved will kick off their co-headlining tour with Dark Funeral on January 9th. The tour will visit 20-plus cities before concluding on February 4th. ENSLAVED guitarist Ivar Bjornson states: "I have awaited this...
  16. Scourge of Malice


    Anyone a fan? I'm just starting to check them out, and I'm impressed. Beautiful stuff! Although I haven't listened to that much yet, I would reccomend them!
  17. Scourge of Malice

    New ISIS song Dulcinea. Brilliant. :kickass:
  18. Scourge of Malice

    Oh yeaaaaaaaaa

    "The tracklisting for Isis' long-awaited fourth album 'In The Absence Of Truth' will be as follows: ‘Wrists Of Kings’, ‘Not In Rivers, But In Drops’, ‘Dulcinea’, ‘Over Root And Thorn’, ‘1000 Shards’, ‘All Out Of Time, All Into Space’, ‘Holy Tears’, ‘Firdous E Bareen’ and ‘Garden Of Light’...
  19. Scourge of Malice

    Favorite song of 2006 so far?

    Choose one song from any album released this year. (Or don''t :waah:) I think mine would have to be Agalloch - "Not Unlike the Waves" so far...
  20. Scourge of Malice


    Am I the only one that thinks the guy on the left of the Kamelot banner looks like Will Ferrell? Now I won't be able to keep myself from laughing everytime I log on.