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  1. tara


    From Red Stream: At the moment Bethlehem is working at the 6th Studio Album called "Kavrassje Vrae". The album will contain 10 new songs and is a mixture of all Bethlehem albums. The instruments still are recorded, vocals will follow soon by new vocalist Kemna and Bartsch himself. Album...
  2. tara

    Bill Cosby hates black people.

    Check this article out, guys and let me know what you think. I don't mean to come across as a bigot or anything, but I somewhat agree with Mr. Cosby: Cosby Has Harsh Words for Black Community Associated Press/AP Online CHICAGO - Bill Cosby went off on another tirade against the black...
  3. tara

    Cat cracked out on catnip appreciation thread!

    The poor thing. His eyes are all wide and he's running away from things that aren't there. :tickled:
  4. tara

    What's up, guys?

    Long time no chat! :hypno:
  5. tara

    I hate the crap out of my bosses...

    It snowed here last night. Oklahoma is not so ready for snowy weather since it rarely happens so the roads are all fucked. Plus, my car is covered in a foot of snow and I do not have a shovel to get rid of said snow. I called work and told them I wouldn't be coming in today. Here is sort of how...
  6. tara


    I have missed you all very much. xoxox
  7. tara

    My day at the zoo (photos included)!

    My boyfriend and I finally had a day off together so we decided to take a trip to the zoo. It was a beautiful day and hardly anyone was there which was cool. Here's the only photo taken of me. I had to get a picture of myself with the sheep: And here are some of the animals I saw. I...
  8. tara

    WHOA! Where did all the threads go???

    :waah: My most preciouseses gems....gone! We did get some new smilies though!!!!!!
  9. tara


    Sorry....I had to share this with you nukkuhs!!! :D
  10. tara

    My dog rules.

  11. tara

    Favorite song(s) of the moment?

    Sigh-Divine Graveyard Radiohead-Fake Plastic Trees
  12. tara

    Words/phrases you overuse

    I'm bored. Here are some of mine: GOD DAMNIT! Tinkle Werd Dude Fuck No no spot Poop Gay Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy Roar!
  13. tara

    I hope she doesn't have rabies...
  14. tara

    Harass me on AIM.

    Pretty please?
  15. tara

    I chopped off a bunch of hair today...

    Here's the thread I made on CoB Off-Topic.... :) Enjoy!
  16. tara

    My new haircut! (pictures)

    I got real tired of my long hair. It was a pain in the ass to take care of and I figured it was about time to change something about myself. Here is the end result. I think it looks super-cute...and sorry for the crappy head angles and stuff. I just needed to show off as much as possible...
  17. tara

    Yay I finally hit 1000!!!!

    :hotjump:PAR-TEEE w00t w00t
  18. tara

    Move Away From The Pc And Get Drunk!

  19. tara

    Who's the Boss?

  20. tara

    I heard that Thomas likes to eat babies...

    is this true?