Search results

  1. Bruticus

    Tremolo picking in extreme metal

    Have you ever wondered why extreme metal tremolo picks regularly ? Well this is the thread for you. Call now, at one eight hundred Sorry yeah so tremolo picking is in music traditionally a middle eastern technique for ouds and wtvr plucked string instruments but extreme metal decided it would...
  2. Bruticus

    An iPod, 5 band discographies, an island, 8 cheeseburgers

    If you were stranded on an island and all you had with you was your early 2000's ipod but you only had 5 metal band discographies on there. Which ones would you wish you had the most ? Which 5 bands are that essential to you that you'd have to listen to their shit for the rest. of. Your. LIFE...
  3. Bruticus

    Why is Asia not a great Metal continent ?

    READ BEFORE SPEWING OFF-TOPIC WASTE: Everyone will mention their niche obscure metal band from Indonesia, Japan and Nepal, but you realize as you think for 2 seconds it's off topic. The topic isn't whether there are any metal bands at all in those areas but why as a general phenomenon it's a...
  4. Bruticus


    Any wine enthusiasts here ? I'm particularly interested if I may in Aus, but also US, Saffer or any countryman from the other new world wine nations. Just would like to ask a few questions or perhaps exchange info and discuss this topic from our respective geographic locations. So - Anyone...
  5. Bruticus

    Worst vocal performances in a song

    Please give me your best worst vocal performances you know. I LOVE this shit so much man. I randomly remembered this song from Atrocity, which band I generally rate mind you, and I thought even yeaaaars ago it was unbelievably bad, the vocals: You can post a vocalist whose performance is...
  6. Bruticus

    Not a big Death Metal guy ? Explain why

    I'm listening. Go on my son, tell us. Why. WHY. The way it goes for me death metal is the culmination and final stage of the metal evolution. Everything metal was initially about, death metal fulfilled in the ultimate way. Branching out from mainstream melodic music, creating its own...
  7. Bruticus

    Best Guitar Tone on an album

    Extreme metal doesn't usually get too much attention as it pertains to tone, so I'm guessing we'll be getting more of like, thrash, groove or some of the more polished mainstream guitar sound death metal, but I don't think anyone's going to mention fkng Brodequin here... Soooo. What ya got ?
  8. Bruticus

    Albums with the best sounding Blast-beats

    Blasts can be a highlight on a record in and of themselves. There have been some delicious sounding blasts out there throughout the years. Ima start dis off wid dis When the verse starts after the intro. Vitek sounded fkng amazing on this whole record (would be his last). Those blasts sound...
  9. Bruticus

    Swedish vs Norwegian Metal

    It was my first impression as a younger kid, and it's definitely confirmed itself throughout the years, Swedish metal is not only better but outright better overall than Norwegian metal. Oh and I mean this from the technical/musical pov btw.: you can think such and such black metal band from...
  10. Bruticus

    What's the death metal golden era ?

    If you could have icecream with any topping you wanted, ANY topping, which is the best period for Death Metal ? Chocolate chip, the late 80's/early 90's, or more ? How much more ? Ten thousand ?
  11. Bruticus

    Which Metal Celebrity's death will break the internet most ?

    You know how people in modern societies love to pretend like they actually cared about celebrities they never met yeah. How people cried rivers for weeks over Michael Jackson's death, or in the metal community how anything remotely Dimebag is drenched with "RIP" messages. Well there are plenty...
  12. Bruticus

    For One more album from that band's prime period

    So, that band you love, their prime period when they released their magnum opus and before they moved on to much less interesting records... if you could discover there was a fully recorded/mastered album that they'd made during that peak in their careers that was never released and just rotted...
  13. Bruticus

    Classic Pics with metal personnalities

    Just came across this, completely remotely: A rapper (Body Count or not) hanging out with Vital Remains of which...Glen fkng Benton. I guess that's Murica fer ya. Love these kinds of pics, throw in a couple of your own if you come across some.
  14. Bruticus

    Most metal video game

    I don't mean the video game you played that had the most metal soundtrack, like say Doom. Rather the game that was the most metal in its feel.
  15. Bruticus

    Underrated Albums from famous bands

    Some quality albums go almost completely unnoticed, unfairly. I'm kick-starting this off with this: Always loved that record. Almost every song is inspired and totally distinct, it's simple but cohesive, nasty in parts and ominously melodic in others, the lyrics and Benton's vocals shine...
  16. Bruticus

    Those precious EP albums you keep to yourself no one knows about

    I think as very committed metalheads of years of experience, with the qtties of metal we've ingested, we've all come across more or less obscure EP's that hold a special significance to us. So this is a long shot but what the heck...: The Forsaken Mourning of Angelic Anguish. It just sounds...
  17. Bruticus

    'Convince me this band is good' challenge

    So, we all have a few bands we wish we'd like, but don't actually enjoy listening to. Some bands are generally heralded as absolute giants, and they fit the description of a band you'd like, but for some reason you never got hooked on them. Here's a list of such bands for me: - Monstrosity -...
  18. Bruticus

    Best non-melodic metal vocalist ?

    I'm bored. No power/prog opera metal shit, just groove/death/black/extreme vocalists, growls and harsh vocals. Give your Top 3.
  19. Bruticus

    Your ONE 'Hard in the feels' Track

    It's got to be related to metal somehow, so numetal or grunge and such. This is the song you go-to, your ONE go-to song when you want to feel like a teen again, relive in your mind your ex-girlfriends that atmosphere those stories...., or deeper aspects of life. A song that perhaps doesn't...
  20. Bruticus

    Movie Audio samples before a brutal song

    You know how brutal death metal bands (in particular) love to pick a quote from a horror flick and use it as an intro. Do you have any quotes you'd use yourself in such a way ? I was just revisiting Transformers the Movie (1986) on YouTube the other day, and I came across a couple of moments...