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  1. K

    Jester Race 2 Confjrmed

  2. K


    I was considering making a trip to Toronto to see a show, but nobody was willing to go. After seeing the setlist, I'm not too disappointed lol. Only enjoy a few of these songs... In Plain View Everything's Gone Trigger Cloud Connected Delight and Angers Paralyzed Through Oblivion...
  3. K

    Favourite In Flames melody?

    Definitely the one in Jester Script Transfigured for me.
  4. K

    How many In Flames albums do you own?

    Which ones?
  5. K

    Cloud Connected Halloween Light Show

    In Flames' Twitter account just shared this... interesting. Thoughts?
  6. K

    Looking for Epic Songs like "December Flower"

    I was introduced to In Flames probably about 6 years ago and listened to mainly their stuff Post-Clayman, but now I'm starting to get into their older stuff. So far, I'd have to say my favorite 'Old In Flames' song is December Flower... the song just reaks of epicness. I was just wondering which...