Search results

  1. T

    Deathcore/Grindcore bands

    Hey, I'm looking for bands similar in style and performance to A**l C**t and Suicide Silence. Which specific genre of metal doesn't matter but mostly similar vocals/growling.
  2. T

    What's this type of playing called?

    Hey, Stuff like this is there any collective term for it? I want to learn how to play that medieval sounding stuff. Metalheads seem to have a ear for it. If I can get a term for it maybe I can look up specifik lessons of it.
  3. T

    New to forum

    Hey, New member here. I used to be part of another metal forum earlier but they turned out to be a bunch of douchebags, So I came here instead. I live in Sweden and was born 1996. I like most styles of metal especially death and black metal.
  4. T

    Swedish Grindcore Bands?

    Hey, Newbie here, I'm looking for Swedish grindcore bands. Does anybody know any? My favorite grindcore band so far is A**l C**t.