Search results

  1. M

    Has anything officially happened with the IMG yet?

    I've been out of the loop so long. What's up with the IMG site? Did the payment get taken care of? Are we still in limbo with that?
  2. M

    Guitar Repair ?

    The new Ibanez I got a while back broke. Well, a piece on the Zr tremelo broke. Snapped in half. The part that holds the bar, don't know what it's called. Anyhow I delt with the super mega guitar store that I bought it from. I got nowhere for until after about a month when I finally talked to...
  3. M

    Why do we need computers?

    To make our lives hell... I sit at the library typing this and wondering why I didn't make a back up on my computer before the hard drive went and decided it wanted to be a paperweight... computer finally fixed me but good. Anyone know any cheap ways to retrieve data from a...
  4. M

    Bruce's rant from L.A. Saturday.

    Someone posted it on the Maiden board.
  5. M

    Some cd's you might be interested in.

    The first is: "A Rise To Power" by Dungeon. It's melodic uptempo metal in a similar vein as Maiden/Queensryche. I would say their sound is a mixture of Maiden, Queensryche, Megadeth, and a little hint of Slayer thrown in. But what do I know? They might draw all their inspiration from the Bee...
  6. M

    What do you think of Maiden's touring schedule?

    Unless they changed it since I last checked, they are only playing a few shows in the U.S. and I think I saw one show listed in Canada. I don't get it. I saw them twice on the last tour and both shows were packed. I don't know if I'll be able to go this time, darn...I was looking forward to...
  7. M

    Why are my soundfonts high pitched when I try to edit them?

    I was wondering if any of you are familiar with editing soundfonts and could give me some suggestions on how to export them for editing so that they are at the same pitch that they play at when triggered.
  8. M

    Recovering from Maiden!

    That was a kick ass show! I agree with your opinion on the volume Rabies, they were friggin loud! I haven't screamed like that at a show in a long time.
  9. M

    Bass gear?

    My nephew is looking for a decent bass and amp. He has around $1000 dollars to spend. Any recomendations? Has anyone tried any of the bass modelers out there, like the Behringer V-amp thing...or the Boss Gt-6b? Are they any good?
  10. M

    New virus going around!

    It was only a matter of time. Some sneaky bastards apparently found a way to put people into a state of hypnosis by sending a certain sequence of commands hidden within a java script. The way it works is that the virus comes hidden in an ordinary email and infects your video driver. It then...
  11. M

    What happened to the ftp?

    I tried to access it several times recently and received password errors. Also, I just noticed that our forum is no longer listed under 'hosted music' and has been put under resources. Is it just a coincidence that I can't access the ftp and we aren't listed under hosted music anymore...
  12. M

    War thread...

    I wish the best to our troops and their families. I have a nephew that probably won't have to go to war in the initial attack. I'm glad for him. He is just a kid. When I talk to him, it's hard to picture him as the strutting bad ass soldier but I know he is well prepared if he is called to go...
  13. M

    Radio and the media...

    I hardly listen to radio these days because of a lack of originality in the programming. There are only a few rock stations that I can receive here anyhow and their programming follows two narrow types, classic rock or nu rock /nu metal. I rarely hear Maiden, but the classic rock stations...
  14. M

    The future of the compact disc?

    I was wondering about if advances in technology have made it possible to upgrade the bit rate and sampling rate of the standard cd from 16 bit 44.1K to say 32 bit 96K. I haven't seen much written about the subject anywhere. I know that the digital recording industry is now using 24 bit 96K but...
  15. M

    flibbaldy friznick...What???

    Come on guys we've got to come up with to talk about here. I have access to a very shitty drummer (me) , and a very mediocre drum kit. I might be able to pound out some Ramones or something very simple. Anything, to get something done. I thought about trying Breaking the law but I think...
  16. M

    Ah pooh!

    My ISP is discontinuing it's DSL service. I won't go back to dial-up, no they can't make me...:lol: I might disappear for a while if another carrier can't take over their service.:mad:
  17. M

    Uh, what happened Ec you pull a muscle or somethin'?

  18. M

    Would anyone be interested in...

    I was wondering if anyone would be interested in having a thread where we tab out some of our favorite guitar, or bass licks and share them with each other. It could be a single lick or a short piece with a few licks. It would be cool if we could include audio somehow. It wouldn't have to...
  19. M

    Myplay closing!

    I received this and thought I would post it here in case some of you didn't get this notification. Dear myplay Locker user: Since 1999, we have worked hard to provide our users with a digital locker service that allowed you to upload and store your music files. However, we regret to...
  20. M

    Went to Bone bash 3 last night.

    A local radio station, 107.7 the Bone, sponsored a show with Testament, Montrose, Y&T, Satriani, and Journey. The wife and I decided to go at the last minute and were lucky enough to get tickets. I've never seen any of these bands live before. I knew that I would be in for a night of some...