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  1. livingdead_girl

    KNAC.Com Review

    Like the paintings of Manet, and Velazquez, Type O Negative’s music is always beautiful, often poignant, but notably awash in black: it’s a dichotomy of vibrant color and infinite darkness that characterizes the masterpieces of the painters, and the band collectively known as Type O...
  2. livingdead_girl

    House of 1000 Corpses 2

    Well it has been reported in Variety that Lion's Gate (the distributor of the first film after Universal called it quits on) has given Rob Zombie the green light to make a sequel to this cult like hit. It looks as though he will film it this fall with Sid Haig, Sheri Moon, Karen Black and Bill...
  3. livingdead_girl

    What song should type o negative cover in the future?

    They are infamous for their cover songs, which seems to be the highlights of every album (ie looking forward to hearing thier version of "Angry Inch" from the broadway show, "Hedwig and the Angry Inch") What song do you think type o negative should cover in the future?
  4. livingdead_girl

    Favorite TON CD/Single?

    What's your favorite TON CD and single? Mine is October Rust and Love you to death. That is such a beautiful song that really touches me. The album is so great, makes me think of autumn my favorite season.
  5. livingdead_girl

    What is your favorite George Romero film?

    What is your favorite George Romero film?
  6. livingdead_girl

    Horror Related Music Site

    Hi, I have a little website dedicated to my obsession with horror films, music, tv and such. I have some pages with pix about certain bands linked to horror. I hope more people will come by and check it out. Take care peeps! Horror Con Gal's Webpage
  7. livingdead_girl

    hi all

    Hi all, I am new to the forum but have been a long time fan of metal for over 20 years now. I do like other kinds of music as well. In the past few years I have gotten into more metal from Europe than before. Maybe because in America its hard to find great music now in days. Sure there...