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  1. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    If you had a time machine...

    ... and could go back and change one thing about music, what would it be? If I had a time machine, I would go back to 1981 with written sheet music and lyrics from every Metallica CD except Load, Reload and St. Anger, and have them copyrighted under my own name. Then I would travel back to...
  2. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    the Sunlight Stuios tone

    I'm still obsessed with the old Sunlight guitar tone. Those buzzsaw guitars on Clandestine kill me everytime. Anyway, I started playing again recently, but the only amp I have is an old Peavey Supreme halfstack. I'm still kicking myself for not buying a blockletter 5150 head (which was on sale...
  3. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    I don't understand the new Sigh

    Like... umm.... what the fuck happened?
  4. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    My guinea pig just died in my hands

    Poor little bugger. He stopped eating and the vets couldn't help him. Cunts. Poor Mr. Johnson...:cry: The funeral is at noon.
  5. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    NOT GUILTY!!!!!!!!

  6. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Anyone else have trouble not letting people mess with your brain?

    I'm so weak. I've been letting some teenager fuck with my head. Flirtatious wench! Anytime I offer to do something with her, she accepts, then never gets back to me. Whenever she wants to do something stupid (like go shopping), and I say I'm busy, she goes around bitching to everyone about it...
  7. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    I'll have five of whatever he had I wish I were this oblivious.
  8. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Get out your twangers and play with your balls
  9. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Have any of you Frenchies evern gotten spooked down in those catacombs?

    I really wanna visit that shit, but I already live in what's considered the most "demonic" town of the east coast over here (so that's why there are so many murders...), so I've already plenty of fun things to do.
  10. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    My life has become so pitiful....

  11. Ol' Dirty Bastard


    So like, that's up with the Jeff Walker country covers album? Any recent news?
  12. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Fuck, I'm old!

    I just turned 27. Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
  13. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    I'll have a stab at this...

    Overkill is so fucking gay. Gayer than a porno of Liberace getting fucked by Rock Hudson in the back seat of Elton John's pink limo while George Michael watches. Gayer than a priest babysitting a hundred boys. Gayer than thay guy from Boyzone. That singer is especially homo. I mean...
  14. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Halo 2

  15. Ol' Dirty Bastard

  16. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    *sigh*.....silly Gaahl....

    ...when will the man learn? I miss Pest.
  17. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Forbidden Siren

    Anyone play this game? The version we got in America has British accents (and I mean thick ass accents, I've never met anyone who sounds like this) and they ruin the fucking game. I find nothing wrong with British accents, but it's retarded to have a setting in rural Japan, with very Japanese...
  18. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    Uh oh!

    It hurts when I pee. This can't possibly be a good thing.:erk:
  19. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    William Hung? What the fuck?

    I was watching the news and some retard was singing and dancing to some salsa music, and the anchor said that this guy's CD was going to debut in the top 20. What the fuck is going on? I mean, I knew popular music was getting bad, but I didn't realize that a complete and total lack of musical...
  20. Ol' Dirty Bastard

    I think my house is haunted.

    Like, I'm living in this house right now, cos my apartment was lame and I moved, and it's starting to bug me out. Other people have always been telling me this shit when they're here, like hearing footsteps going upstairs but nobody else was home (no cars in the garage or driveway), seeing...