Search results

  1. Polyeidus

    So, is this Sun Caged stuff any good?

    Seriously though, I just wanted to say Sun Caged is one of my fav bands ever. You have a big time fan in NC, USA. Been sportin' a Sun Caged sticker on my car for a couple yrs now. Shirt too. On my back though. The first shirt. I love it when people ask, "what's Sun Caged?" cuz I get to let em...
  2. Polyeidus

    Did I miss anything?

    For reasons beyond my control, I've had a suck egg couple of yrs. If you guys don't mind one more of these reccomend threads...(and if you do, then go away) :Smug: Have there been any really awesome releases that I should know about in the name of metal? You know, similar to Sym X, DT...
  3. Polyeidus

    Prog help.

    :bah: Hi guys. Ive been out of the metal loop, for personal reasons, for the last year, and I was hoping you guys could bring me up to speed on the latest and greatest, in the vein of Sym X (of course), Zero Hour, and so on. Thanks a bunch! Jason
  4. Polyeidus

    A consortium, in by where to smile upon or befriend

    Greetings fair Symphony X fans! Aren't they great? I made a cd today combining the six studio albums in mp3 format for my player, in order of the debut to their latest release, and I must say, it was quite an experience listening to their works as a whole from beggining to end. It was the first...
  5. Polyeidus

    This is too funny!!!

    I was listening to Lemur Voice's Divided, and I 'bout died. All of a sudden, they started playing Beat it! Then, if that wasn't enough, they went into some kind of jazz thing sounding like Sting for a moment or two, then went directly back into Beat it. You've probably heard the Alien Ant Farms...
  6. Polyeidus

    Off Topic: Thought you guys might want to see this... Interesting stuff... Weird, but interesting.
  7. Polyeidus

    For the Tech Metal fanatics...

    I got this CD yesterday, and I liked it pretty good. It runs in the same stream as Cynic, King Crimson, Spiral Architect, Watchtower but without vocals. They're called Canvas Solaris. The album is entitled Spatial Design. It just came out. They're a new band to the world, out of Statesboro...
  8. Polyeidus

    Official Haul Thread

    List your hauls! I don't hang out with any metal heads(I don't know any locally) to discuss my new buys with, and I'm always getting new music, so... I got a few the last several weeks. Here goes. (-3. through 1 today) -3.Rhapsody-emerald sword -2.Rhapsody-Dawn of Victory -1.Canvas...
  9. Polyeidus

    My Metal(well, mostly) list.

    I decided to list my favorite albums, not just metal, but it's mostly metal, I guess.
  10. Polyeidus

    I Need Sun Caged Music!

    AAAAAAHHHHHHH. You guys rock! I can't wait any longer!
  11. Polyeidus

    St. Anger : A New Perspective

    I know, I know... There are already two or three threads, blah, blah... Well, I just wanted to throw a suggestion up in the air. See what all you respected metul heds think. Maybe it's supposed to suck? I mean, it doesn't seem as if they even tried. Or did they? I've listened to it three...
  12. Polyeidus

    Is that feedback on V?

    Four instances. I swear it sounds like feedback. I've thought it ever since the album came out - even before it hit stores. What do you guys(and gals) think? In the beginning of Egypt. Just four times. You know what I'm talking about? I did a search before posting this new thread. No trace...
  13. Polyeidus

    Poetry Thread

    'Shuggah suggested someone start a poetry thread. I decided to. I'll kick things off with this little rhyme I wrote this morning. huntingdogs barking... lights too brightgone to hide from the pitchfork kitesuns been covered... for days and a nightthink it's hide'n from the pitchfork...
  14. Polyeidus

    The Damnation Game?

    I never hear anyone ranting or raving for that matter, about Damnation Game. What are you guys thougts on it?
  15. Polyeidus


  16. Polyeidus

    Why is Jugulator from Brasil such a poser?

  17. Polyeidus

    Where is everybody from?

    Hi! I'm in NC, USA. After reading the many views of politics and global issues, I've gained much perspective. The world is smaller for me now that I've spent some time here, and I've been wondering just how many different nationalities post here.
  18. Polyeidus

    Question To Death Metal Fans

    What is it about the puking vocals death metal fans like so much? And I'm not making fun, I really want some opinions. Thanks
  19. Polyeidus

    The Odyssey - Who's idea?

    We know they have an evident affinity for Greek mythology. So, I wonder if one of the guys admiration of it caused them to be inspired by the recent release of 'Oh brother, where art thou?', since it's based on the Odyssey? Or was it just their general regard for Greek mythology? A...
  20. Polyeidus

    I envy you guys...

    Man, you guys rock. I've wanted to play this very style ever since I got into progressive music about 4 years ago. I've been looking for bandmates, with no luck. Just people who want to be Limp Bizkit or Linkin Park. I think there are maybe 15 people in this city out of 250,000 who like...