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  1. Caelestia

    The Deal with Classical Music

    Why is it people tend to think of classical music as boring? They picture 50-smths in stuffy clothes with turned-up noses. Or is it a misconception, when in fact many people do enjoy listening but never discuss it? It's not often you hear friends who aren't music majors going, "Oh hey...
  2. Caelestia

    Attract-O-Meter 3000 I'm taking it now. Share your results if you like :D Bah, here's mine. Your Attract-o-meter reading: 70% You'll do! You don't scrub...
  3. Caelestia


    I wanted to start this thread on Friday but I was at work (surprisingly doing some *gasp* work). Rusty contributed with some questions. If you have any, go ahead and add them on. 1) What instrument(s) do you play? 2) How long have you played it/them? 3) How long since you last played...
  4. Caelestia


    I apologize in advance if this thread is considered spam and should offend anyone (that was not an invitation to flame me :p). Mother's Day is coming up, and I need to write an ad for it. I'm thinking of different analogies for mothers. For example: Mothers are like nightmares. They make you...
  5. Caelestia

    Happy Birthday JackhammerRape

    Hurrah, you're turning 22 today (I'm a few time zones ahead :p). What's it like having your birthday on April Fool's, hm? Happy birthday! :)
  6. Caelestia

    Happy Birthday, Koich!@#$^%$#&%

    haaappy birthday to yooou haappy birthdaay tooo youu haappy BIIIIIIRTHDAY deaar JOOOOOOOOOOSHYYY HAAAPPY BIIIIIRTHDAAAY TOOOOO YOOOOOOOOOOOU!!!!!!!!!!! alright, where are you? how am i supposed to send you your present if i can't find you? :p
  7. Caelestia

    Are You Afraid?

    A few hours ago, I made the mistake of clicking on a link that led me to a pic of a woman's breast infested with larvae. I know it's fake, but GAH! That drove me nuts, and it's still bothering me. I managed to get it out of my head a couple of times but people keep reminding me of it :yell...
  8. Caelestia

    Happy Belated Birthday, Spike!!!

    Oh dear, Spike. I didn't know it was your birthday yesterday. For someone who's been around as long as you have, you certainly deserve a birthday thread, even if it is belated. (Don't mind the guy, focus on the CAKE!) I tried to find you some dancers, but googled this instead (which is...
  9. Caelestia

    Quest For The Crown

    Quest for the Crown. Play it :D
  10. Caelestia

    Man Milk or Moo Milk?

    Hi, If you are the type who is easily offended, please ignore this thread. If you enjoy gross and stupid things, follow this link and you'll be duly rewarded. Warning: if you are lactose-intolerant, you may experience slight queasiness. Oh yeah, feel free to post your results...
  11. Caelestia

    The Li Boat

    Right. I made this and er, Rusty convinced me to share it with you guys :erk: He is kind enough to host it for me, so a big thanks goes to him :D I'm aware how egomaniacal I must seem, but really, if you knew me, I'm painfully shy. It was all in good fun and that's what counts! :p...
  12. Caelestia

    See The Stupid Things Boredom Can Produce

    Okay, I'm not exactly bored. I have work to do but I got a little sidetracked by that mikropuhe site (it kicks ass btw). It's very useful if you want to know how things are pronounced in Finnish. You type in whatever you want and click on the button. Anyway, I came up with this... Hah...
  13. Caelestia

    12-Year-Old Sued For Music Downloading

    Tuesday , September 09, 2003 NEW YORK — The music industry has turned its big legal guns on Internet music-swappers — including a 12-year-old New York City girl who thought downloading songs was fun. Brianna LaHara said she was frightened to learn she was among the hundreds of people sued...
  14. Caelestia

    Those Darned Pop Idols...

    Has anyone seen this yet? There's another one in the Off-Topic forum: Australian Idol had some really horrendous ones too. If anyone can find clips, please post them here so we can laugh...
  15. Caelestia

    Happy Birthday, Dark_Jester/Ben

    Mwahaha, I know I'm early but you're sort of Australian and in Australia it's already Aug 31st. So if you were back here you'd be celebrating. Even if you're not, I get to be the first to wish you a HAPPY 20TH BIRTHDAY! ( Bloody hell, I thought you were 21. I feel so old :yell: ) I hope you...
  16. Caelestia

    Good Luck, Dark_Jester

    :wave: You've been studying very very very hard for tomorrow's paper these past weeks. All I can do is wish you the best. Get a good night's sleep and ace that exam! :grin:
  17. Caelestia

    Happy Birthday xenophobe!!!

    Ah, my first birthday thread, and I'm glad it's for someone as great as you! Cheese aside, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
  18. Caelestia

    cheap travel

    Hi, er... sorry i need help with an assignment. now that you know what this thread is about, you can hit backspace :p can you guys think of things a person might do to 'experience' travel without actually travelling (because he's too cheap)? i need feedback urgently, should have posted...
  19. Caelestia

    Help needed from art lovers

    Does anyone know the name of this painting or the artist who painted it? I'd appreciate all the help I can get.
  20. Caelestia

    Help from art lovers!

    Hey guys! I would very much appreciate your help on this. My friend used to have a painting in his house, and he'd really like to know what it's called and the name of the artist who painted it. If you're wondering why I'm posting this here instead of an art forum, well, I haven't looked for...