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  1. S

    Toronto concert goers

    IN FLAMES/SOILWORK/CHIMAIRA - Thursday, June 26 - The Guvernment Toronto, ON PORCUPINE TREE/OPETH - Tuesday, July 15 - Bluma Appel Theater - Toronto, ON STRAPPING YOUNG LAD/ZIMMERS HOLE/THE DEVIN TOWNSEND BAND - Friday, October 3 - The Opera House - Toronto, ON FISHBONE/KING'S X/DITCH -...
  2. S

    for all the toronto opeth fans

    I was just wondering where you guys get your Opeth CDs. Im looking for a store that sells Opeth and Opeth-esque bands. Lots of prog and metal. The only place that I've known is HMV and the CDs are fucking $30 CDN without the taxes!