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  1. Zarok666

    The REAL Are You Dead Yet? video

    Check it out at Youtube and bash it here.
  2. Zarok666

    Are You Dead Yet? video

    Check it out at Scythes Of Bodom and bash it here.
  3. Zarok666

    The first Are You Dead Yet? review

    Well, it's not a real review but I found this in the net: "Finland's talented virtuosos did it again. Their upcoming CD "Are you dead yet?" is another excellent combination of Speed and Thrash Metal, melodic and super fast guitar/synthesizer leads and very angry lyrics. But there is also new...
  4. Zarok666

    Warmen feat. Alexi

    Alexi will do the vocals on the new Warmen single Somebody's Watching Me which is a cover of an 80s pop song done by Rockwell feat. Michael Jackson. I always loved that song and can't wait to hear the Warmen version.
  5. Zarok666

    New Alexi interview online

    You can find a brand new interview with me and Alexi at Scythes Of Bodom. Check it out and find out everything important about the new album and other interesting stuff.
  6. Zarok666

    Sinergy New Album

    From Blabbermouth SINERGY: 'Sins Of The Past' To Surface Before End Of The Year - Feb. 8, 2005 SINERGY...
  7. Zarok666

    3rd USA tour with Lamb Of God and Fear Factory confirmed!

    From 17 Aug 2004 - 3rd U.S. tour coming up COB confirmed to be part of the Lamb Of God and Fear Factory tour in The United States! Tour will happen in October this year. This is band's third tour overseas with this album and most likely it will take a longer while when band is back...
  8. Zarok666

    Brand new promo pics of COB

    Check them here on the Spinefarm page.
  9. Zarok666

    Children Of Bodom on MTV2!!!

    I just read that on Blabbermouth: CHILDREN OF BODOM: 'Needled 24/7' Video To Debut This Weekend - Apr. 22, 2004 CHILDREN OF BODOM's video for "Needled 24/7" will make its "Headbanger's Ball" debut this Saturday, April 24. In addition, the band will be the featured guests on the May 8 episode...
  10. Zarok666

    Janne @ Masterplan

    As some of you may know, Janne played keyboards for the whole Masterplan album (new band of ex-Helloween members) in the last year. Has anybody heard it? I got the album recently because I buy all albums with COB members in it as guest musicians or in side projects. Anyway, Janne's keyboard...
  11. Zarok666

    I see trouble between COB and Iced Earth

    I just read the following statement of Anders Friden from In Flames on Blabbermouth: "IN FLAMES vocalist Anders Fridén has slammed ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer over comments Schaffer made during ICED EARTH's 2002 North American tour, which featured IN FLAMES in the support slot. "I have...
  12. Zarok666

    COB shop opens on 3.3.

    Just check the news at "The merchandise shop will be opened on 3.3.2004, 10am CET. To enter the shop, just click on the merchandise-banner in the upper part of this site. At first there will be only few designs, but soon we will have more shirts and other merchandise...
  13. Zarok666

    Your three favourite songs from each album?

    What are your three favoruite songs from each album? I know it's hard but it's easier to choose three songs than only one song. My favs are (in order of appearance): Something Wild: Deadnight Warrior Red Light In My Eyes Part 2 Lake Bodom Hatebreeder: Warheart Towards Dead End...
  14. Zarok666

    Children Of Bodom at the German Bang Your Head

    It's confirmed that the Bodom boys will appear at Germany's Bang Your Head festival in June 2004. Other bands on this festival are: QUEENSRYCHE WHITE LION U.F.O. GOTTHARD PRIMAL FEAR MAGNUM DEATH ANGEL LILLIAN AXE BLAZE KINGDOM COME ANGEL OMEN CAGE MAJESTY SHOK PARIS BALLISTIC RUFFIANS...
  15. Zarok666

    And again the Reaper was abused

    This time it was the Reaper from the Follow The Reaper cover artwork who was used on the cover of some shitty book. Just look at this: And of course we will never forget the cover of Ian Parry's Shadowman album:
  16. Zarok666

    COB and Iron Maiden covers

    I just saw the new Iron Maiden cover artwork which me reminded me to the Something Wild cover. But I think the Maiden cover sucks big time. I also noticed the cover of the Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter single which has some similarities to Hate Crew Deathroll:
  17. Zarok666

    New pics of COB in Japan

    I just saw that there are new pics of COB in Japan 2003 in the pictures section of It seems the webmaster forgot to announce it. Here's the link:
  18. Zarok666

    The new COB cover song: Rebel Yell

    Check for more information. Isn't Rebel Yell almost a pop song? At least no real Metal, but that doesn't matter. I'd really like to know how this cover sounds...
  19. Zarok666

    Hatebreeder Deluxe Edition

    As some of you might have heard, a Deluxe Edition of the Hatebreeder album is coming at the end of this month. This is the second COB release from Nuclear Blast after the band ended their licence deal with the label but Nuclear Blast still make money with the bands name. I think that some people...
  20. Zarok666

    Some new COB songs

    I just checked and saw many songs done by COB which even I never heard about. They had some interesting names like Child Of The Damned, Midnight Warrior, I Die Again, Night Of Doom, No Tomorrow, I Hate You, Angels Fall First, Northern Scythe and so...