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  1. Vox Stellarum


    Hey we're a metal band from India called Inviktus, inpired by bands like Lamb of God, Arch Enemy, Slayer and the like... Check out our recording at and spread the word. Cheers. \m/ PS: any feedback would be greatly appreciated...
  2. Vox Stellarum

    Recording software and drum machines...

    I was planning on doing some home recording, so i need some info on recording software and drum machines(software )... which software would you recommend for multi-track recording. I came across this thing called ProTools 7.1, and i heard that was the best, but it looked really complicated...
  3. Vox Stellarum


    How good are they.. how do u rate 'em..? tone and feel...? ..and abt their 7-strings...? how do they compare with the Ibanez 7-strings..? thanx cheers.
  4. Vox Stellarum

    About low-tuned guitar and 7-strings..

    I've been trying desperately to reproduce that low and chunky sound that i like to call the Arch-Enemy. Initially i thought it was just a matter of harmonies(on thirds ) but i realised that that effect is because of their insanely low tuning (A#) . So i tried changing the tuning of my guitar to...
  5. Vox Stellarum

    Sharing music on IRC

    Do any of you use IRC...? I have to d/l most of my music, cos i dont get most of the stuff i listen to in the stores.... a lot of you seem to be using dc++ ... is it better than IRC ...? If anyone wants to share music, i'm usually on PhazeNet or EFNet...(theres some problem with undernet, i...
  6. Vox Stellarum

    Symphonic black?

    I just heard Death Cult Armeggadon - i had been putting it of cos i thought it would be like every other dimmu album ( I wasnt a big fan of their old stuff i liked only mourning palace and spellbound ) - and fuck.. that album kicks ass!! I love that symphonic/melodic black metal feel.... can...
  7. Vox Stellarum

    Trashed lost and strungout

    who's the new guitarist in the video?? whatever happened to bodom anyway...i cant say i'm too pleased with this EP (still one of my fav. bands though)...they've really deviated from their original style ....
  8. Vox Stellarum


    what are the different kinds of harmonies bands use... i'm tired of trying to harmonise my riffs on 5ths,... so if i intend on getting an arch enemy like harmony(typical amott harmonies, like most of his carcass riffs), or an inflames sound(like on december flower), or a soilwork...
  9. Vox Stellarum

    writing when u're high

    i just realised that its hell of a lot easier writing lyrics when u're high. heres something i just came up with for a new song i'm working on: in deaths embrace, i find my solace its taunting call, i forget my being to find peace in my final sleep, i invite the unwholesome in my lust for...
  10. Vox Stellarum

    ...what about Suidakra?

    How many of u like Suidakra...or even know of it? it's an amazing band, easily one of my favourites, with amazing riffing and brilliantly harmony... yet i've rarely heard people talk about it anywhere or even mention it. how is it that such an amazing band can lay so low? all the people i...
  11. Vox Stellarum

    Jazz Metal??

    i just stumbled upon cynic a while back, and totally fell in love with their style of music.... music's 2 best genres combined into one?truly amazing. i thought cynic was one of a kind (well they are...!), till i recently discovered atheist which is also really good (although its an unfair...
  12. Vox Stellarum

    recommend some bands..?

    can anyone recommend some good goth/heavy/death metal... heres some of the stuff i'm currently listening to: Dark Tranquillity In Flames Suidakra (some thing along these lines perhaps...?) Arch Enemy Tristania Thyrfing Nevermore Nightwish Iced Earth Thanks....