Search results

  1. Stormwatch

    Slaves of God

    My first attempt at this sort of vocals, and probably my last :lol: But the song needed it, so I had to give it a try! :Spin:
  2. Stormwatch


    I must be missing it, I can't see where you guys talk about the new Burzum album? :rock:
  3. Stormwatch

    Morbid Angel Illud Remix album

    I did a search but it seems you guys haven't been talking about this. Come on, what's up, have you heard this?! Surely you guys have something to say about this? I quite liked about half to two thirds of Illud, and even I...
  4. Stormwatch

    Is there a "hidden" track on the album?

    I've mentioned, on here, a hidden track that sounds like Limp Bizkit on the new album a couple of times and no one seems to know what the fuck I'm talking about. It starts about 11 mins into the final song "Revolution Screams". I wondered if it was maybe something the guys that leaked the...
  5. Stormwatch

    New Vader album

    No interest in this? Welcome to the Morbid Reich.I thought Vader peaked with The Beast, they've kinda been treading water ever since IMO. Their style has never really progressed and had, for me, come to the end of the road. But the new album is fucking awesome! Peter must have been listening...
  6. Stormwatch

    YOUR personal Big 4 metal line-up

    If you could choose 4 metal bands to see in a "Big 4" type situation, who would they be? For obvious reasons you can't pick Metallica AND Maiden - they're both huge, neither would agree to being anything other than headliner (and no rotating headliners right?! :grin: ) You should, ideally...
  7. Stormwatch

    YOUR personal Big 4 metal line-up

    FUck it, fuck it, fuck it!# Ignore.
  8. Stormwatch

    Free album and a free EP to download (not shit!) Annihilator and Enslaved
  9. Stormwatch

    Spreading the Disease is pretty shit, I'm sorry

    SoE I love to death. PoT is awesome. StD is shit, overall. I just listened to it again while replying to another thread and thought I'd post my thoughts again here just to stimulate discussion. Say what you like about Vol. 8 or any other Bush album, at least the guitars sounded FAT, unlike...
  10. Stormwatch

    Bands that SOLD OUT

    Metallica are obviously the biggest ones people accuse of selling out to make cash. I can't argue with it, while they may have quite liked playing the stuff on Load and Reload, it certainly wasn't challenging them like their earlier work. So Metallica started writing simpler music to sell...
  11. Stormwatch

    My band covering "Symphony of Destruction" We're looking for a singer, but I'm singing on this and playing rythm guitar. What d'you think?
  12. Stormwatch

    Why the Japanese shouldn't sing death metal I don't know what he's singing most of the time but it's fucking hilarious anyway.
  13. Stormwatch

    Why IS this so funny? Scott's laugh?

    I've heard it a hundred times, but still find myself in fits listening to it. It's fuckin genius. Anyone in a band (so, not IMFan09) will probably get it.
  14. Stormwatch

    What IS thrash metal?

    Most of us here seem pretty comfortable with what constitutes thrash metal, but not everyone is happy with what falls under that umbrella. Age is a factor here - I class Sepultura as a thrash band, even though they only really did a couple of great thrash records. But that's my age - I was...
  15. Stormwatch

    Greatest thrash metal LEAD guitar players

    Regardless of riffs, or what songs they wrote, or anything else like that - which thrash guitarists wrote and played the best SOLOS and lead lines? I'd have liked to post a poll where you can select at least two options, but you can't, so I'm gonna have to vote Marty Friedman first, with Jeff...
  16. Stormwatch

    Guitar clinics - and Jeff Waters

    I just found out the fucking LEGEND Jeff Waters is doing a guitar clinic in Glasgow tomorrow night. I wouldn't mind going along assuming they have tickets left at the time, but I don't know what such a "clinic" entails. Anyone ever been to one? To be honest, I'm a real lazy bastard and if it's...
  17. Stormwatch

    Frank and his shitting Frank seems to take great interest in shitting, but then we and Don Nelson already knew that.
  18. Stormwatch

    Stormwatch sharing his opinion on Thrashard's Youtube videos

    Fucking hilarious. Post more.
  19. Stormwatch

    Best Joey album?

    There's not much happening here, much of centred around shitting on people's backs and stupid fuckers like Mosher talking a load of pish, so I thought I'd try and be a bit upbeat. Since most of you guys seem to be Joey fans now, and hey, who isn't, even Bush fans must love the Joey era right...
  20. Stormwatch

    New Deicide album

    Apparently Deicide are uncool, since no one has posted about this. To Hell With God has leaked. Burzum's album leaks and there's a ten page thread about it, Deicide's album leaks and no one cares? :confused: Anyway, it's fucking awesome if anyone cares. Ralph Santolla's on it again. And I...