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  1. WhiteBeastofWotan

    So how shitty does UM look now?

    So shitty.
  2. WhiteBeastofWotan

    I just watched A Serbian Film

    I don't know why. I did not enjoy that.
  3. WhiteBeastofWotan

    Guardians of the Galaxy

    Finally saw it. Am I the only one who thought Nebula was kinda hot?
  4. WhiteBeastofWotan

    Vikings is the best show on TV

  5. WhiteBeastofWotan

    Shit your pants stories

    So I'm 25 and just shit my pants for the first time. Not only that, but I started shitting my pants right when I got home and ran to the bathroom, thought it was a good idea to pull my pants down to get the rest into the toilet but just ended up shitting all over the place. Spent more than an...
  6. WhiteBeastofWotan

    A Brew for The Old Neverboard

    Alright, old school neverboarders. I've decided, in my drunken nostalgic state, to brew a beer in honor of the glory days of this forum. If you registered after 2007, or if I won't recognize you as an old school regular, just fuck right off. This beer, which I have dubbed NEVERBREW, will be...
  7. WhiteBeastofWotan

    RECO: Darcroven - The Enigmatic

    Here's my lo-fi reco. A decent dose of blackened extreme metal from UM's own theoden236. This is not your typical bedroom black metal. Definite deathspell omega influence here, but a bit more focus on heaviness and riffs then pure chaos. I hope blast beats are something RC still enjoys...
  8. WhiteBeastofWotan

    RECO: The Great Old Ones - Al Azif

    Discovered this French BM group thanks to Arse Magma. Some of you may know them. They likely will appeal to fans of Altar of Plagues, though not a clone at all, but they fall into a similar post/atmospheric BM style, methinks. I only find the Lovecraft theme unfortunate as I don't think it fits...
  9. WhiteBeastofWotan

    RECO: Martyrdöd - In Extremis

    Gentlemen, I present, for your review, the Swedish crust band Martyrdöd. Starts out sounding like a solid piece of Skitsystem worship, however I find them to be a good deal more metallic, perhaps even catchier. Why are the Swedes so angry?
  10. WhiteBeastofWotan

    For those of you into Blaque Meduhl.

    The new Lunar Aurora album. It's delicious.
  11. WhiteBeastofWotan

    Girl gets brutally attacked by a pack of wild dogs

    This video is pretty sick, don't watch it if you are squeamish.
  12. WhiteBeastofWotan

    40 Watt Sun US Tour!

    WOOOO September USA tour dates! 16th- Brooklyn, NY - Public Assembly 17th - Philadelphia, PA - Kung Fu Necktie 18th - Milford, CT - DANIEL STREET 19th - Pittsburgh, PA - 31st Street Pub 20th - Cleveland, OH - The Beachland Ballroom and Tavern 22nd - Detroit, MI - The Majestic 24th -...
  13. WhiteBeastofWotan

    40 Watt Sun US TOUR

    September USA tour dates! 16th- Brooklyn, NY - Public Assembly 17th - Philadelphia, PA - Kung Fu Necktie 18th - Milford, CT - DANIEL STREET 19th - Pittsburgh, PA - 31st Street Pub 20th - Cleveland, OH - The Beachland Ballroom and Tavern 22nd - Detroit, MI - The Majestic 24th - Chicago...
  14. WhiteBeastofWotan

    San Antonio, TX - Rites of Darkness is the new MDF

    Friday, December 9th: Root (TBA band) Demigod Nunslaughter Stargazer Weapon Butcher ABC Impetuous Ritual Adorior Demonical Loss Grave Ritual Birth A.D. P.L.F. Warmaster Saturday, December 10th: Mortuary Drape (TBA band) Zemial Dead Congregation Sargeist Igvinomous Tribulation Cianide Evoken...
  15. WhiteBeastofWotan

    In Memory of Donnán of Eigg (? - 617)

    I'm sure I don't have to remind you all, but today marks the 1394th anniversary of the death of Donnán of Eigg. He was by far my favorite gaelic priest that attempted to convert the pagan Picts, I will always remember his work.
  16. WhiteBeastofWotan

    ITT: A yoga joke

  17. WhiteBeastofWotan

    ITT: Dogs tear a woman apart (Video)

    Warning, this isn't pretty
  18. WhiteBeastofWotan

    Fantasy Porn

  19. WhiteBeastofWotan

    Neverboard Meetup - Las Vegas, Spring 2011

    Yeah folks were talking about this on IRC. Lets make it happen.