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  1. AceRoccola

    Vogg's equipment?

    Can anyone tell me what kind of guitars or amps Vogg(of Decapitated, of course) uses? I've checked the official site and done some searching but i've come up pretty much empty handed... Any help is much apprecciated, thanks.
  2. AceRoccola


    What does everyone think of these guys? Personally i think they're one of the best non-Metal bands around, great singer, great guitarist(who also is a great songwriter), and even a great rythm section. Opinions?
  3. AceRoccola

    Safe Home

    Is that Keanu? :hypno:
  4. AceRoccola

    Why can't i like Blackwater Park?

    Ok, i keep reading about how it's uncool to BWP, and how "the last thing we need is another bwp fanboy". I don't get it, what is so wrong with this album? And why can't we like it as much if not more than the others?
  5. AceRoccola

    Can't we all just...get along?

    In my short time here, i've found that not many people like RTR, which doesn't particularly bother me, but in nearly every thread you have people bashing it, its vocals, its solos(or lack thereof). And that gets really tired..but whats worse is people who bash guys who like the album. Why...
  6. AceRoccola

    First time at serious Metal show

    Ok i've been to concerts before, but this one next month with In Flames Soilwork and (unfortunately) Chamaira, is my first real Metal show.:rock: Any tips, guidelines, or words of wisdom? Thanks in advance :Spin:
  7. AceRoccola

    Solo vs. SYL?

    Umm...i love Syl..but whats the solo band like? I've never heard them...
  8. AceRoccola

    First Opeth Purchase?

    Ok, i'm new here and relatively new to Opeth, though i have liked them for some time, i have no cd's. And i was wondering what you guys would say is the best cd to start with? Thanks in advance