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  1. RockBodom

    Alexi's New Black RR ESP now avail. in Japan

    alexi's new ESP is for sale now
  2. RockBodom

    Can someone post pictures of the ninja turtle randy rhoads?

    title is pretty self explanitory..sorry to impede on ya'lls forum.heh.. much appreciated!! THANKSS!!!!!!!!! *or if you prefer email..*
  3. RockBodom

    US Tour pic thread (Spring 04) pics from the US tour! compile them all into this thread for easy viewing!!!
  4. RockBodom

    I'm So Fucking Happy

    And yes this deserves to be in this part of the forum, as it does pertain to COB in SOME way :p MY RANDY RHOADS CUSTOM IS COMING AT THE FIRST OF NEXT MONTH!!!! 24 frets, 1 hum, other stuff...ill post pics when she gets here! Im happy today!!
  5. RockBodom

    Mr. Bunny uses a Dimebag wah!

    He uses a dimebag wah wah? Heh...
  6. RockBodom

    Cob On Headbangers Ball Usa!!! 3/27/04

    Holy Shit I Cant Believe It! They're Talking With Damage Plan And A Sixpounder Clip Is Being Looped! They Fucking Know About Cob! Now Lets Get Them To Play The Video God Dammit!!!!!!!!! Spread The Word Motherfuckers!
  7. RockBodom

    Testament on VH1' classic...metal mania

    Just a small token of info legions, but VH1 played the video for Nobody's Fault today on the metal mania after they read the press release for Bostaph joining...~! rock hard
  8. RockBodom

    Kalmah Pics

    Hey does anyone have any pics of Kalmah's gear ? Or gig pics?? Im curious as to what guitars they use...sorry if this has been discussed or done before...just got into them.. edit: and i mean pics that arent on their site yeah!
  9. RockBodom

    Damage Done Video

    Hello, I'm dreadfully sorry if this has already been discussed before, but I own a pressing of Damage Done in which it contains a quicktime movie file...However when I try to play it, it just starts playing the CD as a whole, and is kinda choppy. Does anyone else have a copy that -works- and...
  10. RockBodom

    Alexi Had the Gainboost Mod Done while on the Japan Tour

    note the picture below..from the september run in Japan with soilwork... From what I've been reading, we've all thought it was done during some point in the U.S. Tour, or I could just be a dumbass, posting what was , is, already known..oh well! rox on!
  11. RockBodom

    11/11 show in toronto..any pics or info?

    self explanitory
  12. RockBodom

    USA version of Lake Bodom least to me
  13. RockBodom

    I got my first Stone CD today!

    Got it off ebay for 5 bux! Its the one with the flying V's on the cover from 1988. The best part? NO COMMANDS! Woo!
  14. RockBodom

    Favorite Guitar Pick!

    mines a nice bright green Morley Steve Vai sig. pick i got from Summer NAMM 2002! I love it! post pics if you have too lazy to take a pic of my pick :p its something along these lines though...
  15. RockBodom

    album production

    Am I alone in thinking that Hatebreeder is the worst album, in terms of sound quality and production? I mean, i love Bodom to death, there's no question about that, but when the quality of the first album, to me, sound better than the second....what the hell happened? And then right after...
  16. RockBodom

    ENGL amplifiers and shit

    Who in the US is authorized to sell ENGL amps and cabs? Anyone know? Or do I have to order direct from Germany? thanks all...have a rockin day.:wave:
  17. RockBodom

    Darkthrone fans... HAIL IN!

    Hey all you droooogsters, I just recently got into Darkthrone. Im listening to the album Blaze in The Northern Sky atm, and i cant get over how good it is. This is some killer black metal considering it was recorded in 1991. :Spin: I also picked up the digi-pack, Preparing for War. I just...
  18. RockBodom

    wOO!!!! Infernal Hailz!

    after such a long time, and having all the MP3's back in january, I HAVE FINALLY OBTAINED A COPY OF HATECREW DEATHROLL!!!!!!!!! Yeah, its taken me Im paying for a custom randy rhoads and some other stuff....BUT IM HELLA HAPPY~!!!!!!! HAIL!
  19. RockBodom

    Who likes the movie Office Space?

    i do!!!! "I wouldn't say I've been -missing- it Bob." Yes, this thread is POSSIBLY , gay and lying...sorry:wave:
  20. RockBodom

    Which way does your toilet flush?

    counter-clockwise for me!