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  1. S

    My new Gibson

    I was just wondering... is the Gibson SG-X any good? Cause I just bought one from my friend for 250 bucks. I didn't even know what type of guitar it was until I searched on the internet. Everyone on sites that I went to said it was excellent, tho... I haven't got my patch cord back from my...
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    The pope forgives you Wow, good to know that all those sinful children have been absolved. :yell: I fucking hate the Catholic church. :hypno: What the hell is wrong with the world? EDIT: AHA! It's not real... sorry, blame drugs. Or maybe I'm just stupid...
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    Dance On the Graves

    This was my favorite song ever by Sentenced for a long time... I've finally progressed quite far in the transcribing of it (for some reason Taneli never gave the lyrics to all of it, just one part or something... EDIT: I had diff lyrics then the ones Taneli gave, I corrected that :) ). Plus...
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    I'm so happy

    I FINALLY figured out what Taneli says in the interlude of The Way I Wanna Go! Hehhe... I doubt many are interested, but oh well. The first line was always always so hard to figure out, but it was pretty easy when I went back and really listened.. It might seem to you that we're the same But...
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    Metal... With a Capital Fuck You

    That's the name of the album I'm making. Please check it out if you're interested. I don't know how to describe it, maybe 'progressive death rock'. It's on my homepage... and it's all midi so I can almost guarentee it won't sound very good on your comp (it does on mine but everyone's soundcards...
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    I have all the CoB lyrics on my site now

    Hey there... I updated the lyrics on my site again. I guess most of you don't know who I am so I'll try and get you up to speed: before shitty CoB lyrics swamped the net, I slaved away in silence (well, in loud CoB music, I guess) to transcribe accurate and SENSIBLE lyrics (yeah you'd think...
  7. S

    I've got all the CoB lyrics on my site now

    Hey there... I updated the lyrics on my site again. I guess most of you don't know who I am so I'll try and get you up to speed: before shitty CoB lyrics swamped the net, I slaved away in silence (well, in loud CoB music, I guess) to transcribe accurate and SENSIBLE lyrics (yeah you'd think...
  8. S

    My lyrics (Alexi's too) and songs

    Greetings, dwellers of the message board. I have the latest lyrics for CoB on my site, I think there are a couple songs unfinished (probably the Nail), but oh well. Difficult songs like Taste of My Scythe and Triple Corpse Hammerblow have been analysed and transcribed. Also, I uploaded some 11...
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    The Cabinet of Dr Caligari

    This is on TV right now... for some reason it sounds extremely familiar, and I think it's related to Bodom or Sinergy or something in some way... I don't know for sure tho. By related I mean I saw the name in an interview or something... fuck I just can't remember... :zombie:
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    New HCD lyrics at my site...

    Well I updated my site. My ideas for the Hate Crew Deathroll lyrics are uploaded. I have the 4 songs from the booklet's lyrics up too. Any ideas would be appreciated, mail me at
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    Is it my imagination...

    ..or has Jaska switched to an electric snare???
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    HCD lyrics

    Can someone please post the lyrics for songs 1, 3, 7, & 9???
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    Anybody got HCD yet??

    If so, was it killer or what? I'm really looking forward to hearing it, as I'm sure we all are. :)
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    Children of Bodom

    What does everyone here think of Children of Bodom? I'm sure sadistik hates them... :p Anyway, it is very unique and talented music, but many people hate the keyboards (I don't see why, Janne is one amazing musician) or the vocals (which this band is certainly not about). Their lead guitarist...
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    What does it mean? It says it at the end of Aika Multaa Muistot (hey what does that mean too?) by Sentenced...
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    Release date

    From COBHC: The next Children of Bodom album will be released in Finland on the 1st of January 2003. Most likely it will be released worldwide in March 2003.
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    Jaska solos

    Does anyone have a video or mp3 of one of Jaska's live solos? I'd really like to hear what it sounds like... And... who else thinks other members of the band should do solos, not just Alexi and Janne?
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    You're Better Off Dead lyrics

    Help me out with this... maybe I'm out of practice but it seems his singing is very hard to figure out... of course it is a radio rip, though. Anyway, post any ideas you come up with. edit: I updated it so newcomers to the thread don't need to scroll down... - Alright! Yeah, what's the...
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    My song

    Anyone who wants to check out my new song can do so (it's on the front page of my site; the link is my signature). Feedback, postive or negative is appreciated.
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    Can soemone please tell me the tempos to the songs In the Shadows, Red Light pt. II, Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper, Mask of Sanity, and Northern Comfort?