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  1. T

    Desultory there a release date?

    All I can find on blogs and newsites, as well as pulverised site, is the same press release type of info....I can't find release dates anyhwere. Anyone know?
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    Winds of Plague, deathcore, and "scene" metal: Some questions

    I had never heard of Winds of Plague, deathcore, or "scene" metal until recently. I was at FYE, seeing if they had anything I wanted (they didn't), and I saw the most recent WoP album. I had never heard of the band, but the cover was so cool. The band name sounded like a crappy metalcore...
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    Blistered Earth--are they a good thrash band?

    Blistered Earth is the one thrash band that I have just been completely unable to find anything for...even samples online (other than some poor sound quality live videos on youtube). Are they good? I never see this on ebay, and Amazon has a used copy listed at $91. What bands/style of...
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    Excellent shred instrumental albums?

    I am on a guitar instrumental album kick lately, and have gotten into a ton of shred albums (previously, I was not really into instrumental stuff--maybe because I am not a musician?). I can't get enough and need to be pointed in some new directions. So far, I've gotten a lot of the Shrapnel...
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    Medieval--anyone know anything about this band?

    They are on one of the earlier Metal Massacre comps, maybe vol. 4 I think. The song on that comp is awesome 80's metal, but I can't find anything on this band. I did see a "Medieval" CD listed on Amazon, but it seems like it might be a different band. Can't find an LPs or CDs on ebay either.
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    nevermore question.

    i bought nevermore's s/t CD for $2 at a thirft shop today. it's the first i had ever heard by them, and it's ok. my question is, is this album good representation of the band's later stuff as well?
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    Would anyone be willing to make me a mix tape?

    Like, if I sent you a tape and a few bucks for shipping it back? I mainly listen to power metal and 80s thrash and traditional, but i want to get into black and viking metal, but i honestly have no idea where to begin, what's good, and all of that. If anyone would be interested in doing this...
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    Is DIONYSUS any good?

    i was looking at the CD at Tower and it says that it is the vocalist for the Luca Turilli band's other band. anyone heard it? is it power metal, anything similar to Luca Turilli? Thanks.
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    Does anyone actually like metalcore?

    you know the 20-something year old kids who started in the punk rock scene but then started dressing like fashion models, listening to siouxsie and the banshees, and playing fake metal. bands like: converge cave in (old stuff was metalcore) undying prayer for cleasning everytime i die...